St. Louis Get-together


I had on my calendar that October 1st is the day of the St. Louis area get-together at the Cheesecake Factory at the Galleria. Is everyone still planning on attending?? I hope it is still on for that day.
I am glad you posted. Most likely, I will be unable to attend. There is an educational program I must attend for a job I will most likely be accepting. There are a few details to iron out, but I am 99% certain that I won't be attending. I am not available the 1st or 8th of October. I regret that I won't be meeting my fellow STL area Catheites!! Have lots of fun and share pics! Now, if ya'll change the date, I'd be joining the fun. I never turn down good food AND good company!
Hi Sarah! :) I'm still planning on coming...can't wait! sorry you can't make it!! Hopefully, this won't be the last one and you can make the next one! :)
Autumn- I am so sorry that you won't be able to make it and TerryMia looking forward to meeting you. Should be fun!
Great, Sarah and Jessica! :) This will be lotsa fun! :) I'm sure Sami (Roses) is still coming as well...Sami're still coming, too, aren't ya? :)
Hi Gals.....Yes I'm coming! My cousins daughter is getting married that day, but I went to the shower and gave my apologies! We're not super close but I wanted to see you all but also hated to miss her big day. I have a friend that lives over there and I'm spending the night with her, so looking forward to seeing her also.

BTW - I was a bit skeptical of the Cheesecake Factory...but St. Louis friend said its AWESOME!!! She assured me there's more there than cheesecake ;-)

I plan on being there by 11:00. It's about a 2 hour drive give or take on traffic.

Hi Terry;-) can't wait to see you again girl! Can't wait to meet Sarah and Jessica. Wish you could come to Autumn ;(

Hope there are others. At one time I believe we had about 20 or so gals that thought they might come. We'll get reminders going...only 12 more days.

DH has the girls and I plan on having a great time with you all!!

Can't wait to meet everyone. How will I know that the people from the Cathe get-together are at the Cheesecake factory?? I have no clue what anyone looks like. Maybe the first person there can get a table under the name "Cathe" and everyone will just know to ask the hostess to seat them at the Cathe table.

Looking forward to it.
Well, I for one am wearing my black Cathe baby doll T. Where else do I KNOW I'm going to run into other Cathe fans! DH keeps joking me about wearing my Cathe T saying, what do you expect, someone to know who she is! Hopefully someone day, more WILL know.
Can't wait to see you there.

Sarah...that's a great idea, the first person to get there just have the table under the name "Cathe"...makes it a lot easier! :)

Sami...can't wait to see you again too, g'friend! I wish I had a Cathe babydoll T to wear too...should have gotten one on the road trip!

Anyway, it's gonna be a lot of fun to get together and can't wait to meet everybody! :)
Hi Everyone!!!

I'm been MIA but I will be there too! I'll write myself a note right now to mark the time. Great idea about the "Cathe" table! :)

Can't wait to meet all of you! Autumn sorry you won't be able to make it but I am sure we will all get together again! This will be so much fun!

Have a great day! Back to work for me!


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