(St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (Thanks, girls!) :)


I took a few pictures and will post them as soon as I can get the rest of the pics taken and then developed, lol, but we (pfive (Angie), sbigelow (Sarah), Roses (Sami), Sami's friend Julie (?) - Sami, correct me if I'm wrong!), and I had a great time! Sorry to everyone who couldn't make it...we'll just have to do it again! :) Anyway, it was great meeting all of the ladies, who are all very fit, pretty, and sweet gals! Oh...and their cheesecake is unbelievably good and comes in HUGE slices, lol!

I had a great time meeting you and everyone at the Cheesecake Factory. The food was great, the cheesecake slices were huge and the weather was perfect for outside dining. We will have to do it again sometime!!

Take Care
Tammy! :) We would have LOVED to have you there! Sami and I were talking about how we wish we could've flown you in! :)))
I'm so bummed I missed it. My brother called me last night and told me they were moving his daughter's birthday party to Saturday so unfortunately I had to miss lunch. We definitely have to meet up again! I can't wait to see pictures!


Sorry you couldn't make it. I am sure we will do it again sometime soon. Hope to meet you at the next St. Louis Cathe get-together!
I knew you'd have a great time! Did you remember to eat a bite of cheesecake for me??? Ha! Can't wait to see the pix!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Cheesecake Gals}( I shouldn't have tried the key lime, I think I'm addicted and I'm sure its not on any diet rotation x(

It was great getting together again Terry! We never run out of things to talk about do we girl! Oh, and you have a good memory, my friends name was Julie and she took me to Kohl's. I got my 4 yr old a cute little dinosaur costume for about $13/$14. I couldn't hardly buy the material for that price. Let alone I can't hardly sew up a hole. When I got home LATE Sunday evening, she couldn't wait to try it on. Fit perfectly!

It was nice meeting Sarah and Angie! I felt so comfortable from the moment I sat down at the table with you girls. Cathe gals sure are cool. I don't think there was ever a moment of silence except when we were eating. I think I talked a few times with food in my mouth over my excitement of having someone to talk to Cathe about that UNDERSTANDS my addiction! Sorry about that. Can you tell I don't get out much!

Yes, Tammy and Momma Deb should have been given special flights to get together with Cathe Fans. Would have been great!

We'll have to do it again, but by the time I got back home and filled up with gas the bill was about $43. Ouch x( BUT YOU KNOW WHAT - It was worth it!!! It was a wonderful lunch and I really enjoyed talking to you gals and visiting with my other St. Louis buddies. I almost bailed but DH said don't worry about the gas (What a nice guy) and go, you'll have fun. He was right.

I got to see "Wedding Date" with Debra Messing at my friends house that evening and then we went to the Theatre and saw "Just Like Heaven" (I think that title is right???) with Reese Witherspoon. Definitely a chick flick and I really enjoyed it.

Would have loved to have met you Jessica, maybe next time. I'm sure your niece would have missed her Auntie Jessica.

Hey - sorry so long but what a nice way to spend an afternoon. Thanks gals!

Sam;-) ;-)
Glad to hear you guys had a great time!! What is it about The Cheesecake Factory and Cathe GTG's?? The Chicago crew is meeting at The Cheesecake Factory in Oak Brook in a couple weeks! Can't wait to try the Key Lime Cheesecake!!

RE: (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (T...

Hi Ladies! :7

I had a great time too! The weather was wonderful which made things even better. I am so glad that I decided to join you all. And you're right the only awkward times were really the introductions - other than that folks passing by would have assumed we've known each other for years the way we were "carrying on"! :+

I had a blast and hope the next meeting is just as much fun and that others will be able to join us too! Sami, I think there was a time when I was talking with food in my mouth too or I was in the middle of swallowing .....:9

All in all, it was a great way to spend a few afternoon hours and I am pleased to have met you all.

Enough from me, I need to get back to work.;(

Take Care,
RE: (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (T...

Hey Sami and Angie! You guys are too funny...I know for a FACT I was talking too much as my salad only got half-eaten and that normally doesn't happen! Sure WAS a lot of fun though, and I'm sure other people did think we'd known each other for years! :) I'll try and get the pics by this weekend and then attempt (in my technical ignorance) to get them posted! :)

Hey, Angie in Chicago (finsgirl)...hope you guys have a blast at your Cheesecake Factory too! :)
RE: (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (T...

Hi Angie, Sami, and Terry,

We will definitely have to do it again sometime. You guys were so nice and down to earth it did seem like we had known each other for years. Sami, it sounds like you had a great time with your friends after the Cheesecake factory. So nice to meet all of you!!

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