Spring into Summer June-09


Good MOrning Everyone,
I figured I would start the thread today...looks like everyone else is still in bed!!!! How come your not up? Its 10:39!!!! Wouldn't it be weird if we were all in the same time zone? Or there was only one time zone?
I just did CTX UB.I REALLY think that workout is one of Cathes hardest.It fries every muscle in the upper body.I am also going to do Imax Extreme to.(only 1/2 though)
Not a very nice day here.Its very dark outside.I think we are going to have a rainy day! Not good for curly hair!
Thats it for me.I must go finish my workout or I won't do it.I didn't do anything yesterday and I ate to many cookies to!:eek:
Have a good one,
Lori, still in bed?? Ha! I've been up since 4:30. It's 9:30 now for me. Last night I did CM and totally died!! Taking over a week off since I was on vacation did me in. However, this morning I did BC and ME abs. Felt great! I think the 'ol girl is getting it back.:)

Did everyone see Cathe's post yesterday (maybe the day before) about filming a new series when her gym opens? I have a feeling it's going to be her toughest yet. I've decided to forgo on the P90X series. I have all Cathe's DVD's now and some I haven’t done in a long time. Plus only a few weeks ago I received CTX series and haven’t gotten to all those workouts either.

I'll check back later to see what everyone else is up to.

Susan C.M. :D
Up at 4:30! Why? Workout? Kids? If you get up at 4:30 to workout, my hat goes off to you! I would need a nap today if I got up at 4:30.I almost need one when I get up at 7:)
I haven't got a clue what the P90X series is all about.I have seen it posted a few times but never checked it out.
I just finished doing the viper without the lifting parts.I just wanted to cardio.I forgot how much fun that DVD is.I haven't used it in such a long time.
Must get ready for workx(
Good morning everyone, today is a rest day for me. I'm tired, I feel crappy, I'm not up to facing the day. But here it is, so I'm up.

Susan, I'm having my doubts about P90X too. I have many workout DVDs and videos but all I really want to reach for is Cathe's. I just find her very motivating and her teaching style agrees with me. I don't find her annoying or show-offy or fake or bossy. When I start her workouts, rest assured I finish them, whether I feel like it or not. She just has that magic.

Lisa, if you're there, thanks for your post yesterday. I hear ya. I keep thinking about what you said to me once, that kids go through periods of chaos and equilibrium. My problem with Andrew ever since he was born is that he is unbelievably clingy. I went to PT when he was nine months old, remember? My back gave out because I spent all those months carrying him around. Now that he has problems in school I've moved my workouts to the morning hours so I could pick him up early in the afternoon. Which means I spend more time with him now than usual. And it seems the more time I spend with him, the clingier he gets, to the point where he doesn't want to hang with his father anymore. And a lot of his tantrums in school stem from the fact that he wants to play alone. He wants space and stuff to himself, which he has here at home since he's an only child. I was talking to my mom last night and told her that I've given everything I have to give very early on in the game, and I have nothing left anymore. Not for myself, so how much more for others? I am consumed and exhausted. Period. I had to turn down four job offers after Andrew was born, and now I find myself unmarketable. Not that I feel like working full time yet, and with this rental business we have. But I'd like something that's just for me. I'm tired of living for other people who can't even pick up after themselves.

I'll talk to you gals later.

Oh Pinky my heart goes out to you. My son used to be very clingy too, but what I had to do was once a week get out of the house away from him. Leave him with my husband and just let him cry it out. He's much better now, he doesn't even mind me dropping him off at preschool. Now whether or not me getting out of the house once a week helped or not is beyond me, but it might have helped. He still seems to need me more than his dad, but he doesn't cry when I leave anymore, and just gives me a kiss and about three hugs before I go. Maybe you could try getting out more and hanging out with friends, or maybe you already do that. I'm no Dr Phil, dno't get me wrong, I'm just trying to help, because I know how exhausting it can be and really, you get tired of being mom sometimes. Just those 2 to3 hours a week that i get has helped me be a better mom, I have more patience than I use to have, on top of concuring the mommies boy syndrom, a bt at least.
Well, today I have done 10-10-10, and the chest work from PUB, I'm gong to finish taht when my son goes down for his nap. 10-10-10 is defintaely my favorite CTX workout, it's tough but it flies by soo fast!
My cold is getting better, but now poor dh has it. He sounds horrible when he calls me from work. No fun!
Well, I hope that you all have a great day!

Hey everyone,

I'm beat this afternoon. It's hot here today, at least compared to the average high (it's in the low 90's). I did some Janis Saffell kickboxing this morning, along with pilates. Then I took a 1 1/2 mile walk at 11:30. I think that was a mistake. It was hot then, and I've been wiped out ever since. I think I might be feeling some lingering effects from my illness also, that didn't show up last week, possibly because of the shortened work week. I'm much more tired this week, and I've been having mild headaches every afternoon. I'm in a dilemma, because I want to take something for it, but don't want to wind up with rebound headaches for months like Michael had!

Pinky, I'm sorry that you're having a hard time. I saw your thread about not having an appetite. I'm concerned for you. I think that you need to have some time for yourself, where you don't have to worry about anyone else. If nothing else, can you arrange to have a few hours to yourself on the weekend? I know that you ultimately want something more than that just for yourself, but it could be a start. Andrew might not like it, but I think it's better to just do it, and have him get used to it. I know it might sound like I'm contradicting what I said yesterday, but I feel like I know a little more about the situation now. Both of my kids were clingy when they were young in the sense that they didn't want my husband to do things for them (like get them snacks, or help them in the bathroom); it always had to be me. A lot of the time I just did it, probably because I felt some guilt about working outside the home, but it's probably better to break them of that habit as soon as possible. My mother comments that they are very clingy to me(not in an accusatory way, just matter-of-factly). I would say just try to be sensitive to Andrew when you're with him, as I'm sure you are, but also explain to your husband that you need time to yourself, and it's not negotiable, and while it may be tough dealing with Andrew for a while, that's how it's got to be, and Andrew will adjust. Anyway, I'll be thinking about you!

I hope everyone else is doing well.

editted to say that I didn't see Kathy's post before I started mine, but I see Kathy that you're saying pretty much what I did, although much more consicely!
Hi Pinky,

I don't usually post, but I wanted to let you know my heart goes out to you. It sounds like you work really hard at being a good mother. I had a similar situation, I'll spare you the details, but what helped me was getting out once a week to a belly dancing class. I know it may sound silly, but I had wanted to try it for a long time. I was a better mother and wife because I was able to return rejuvenated. Take some time for your self, and you’ll find you’ll enjoy life a whole lot more.

Best wishes

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