Spring into Summer 6/29


Good afternoon!

We must all be busy, no one's posted yet.

I decided this morning to sleep late, and did not work out. I was watching "Secrets of Superstar Fitness" episode on Peak Performance on FitTV last night. They were interviewing Gunnar Petersen (the Core Secrets guy), and he was saying that fitness can be seen as made up of 4 elements (only 3 of which I can remember--oh know!), strength, cardio, rest/recovery, and the other unknown one, and that if you give each 25%, they total 100%, and if you're not hitting on any one, then you're already at 75%. When I was watching it and knew what the 4th element was (it should be flexibility, but I don't think it was), I thought that the one I really miss on is rest, particularly sleep. So, I slept later today. Anyway, I did a brisk 2 mile walk at lunch and will try to do something else when I get home.

Lori, how is your mother-in-law, and how are things going with your daughter?

Pinky--hang in there!

I hope everyone's well today. Hope to hear from you all!

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