
Hi Cathe or whoever is answering her emails,

I currently workout an hour/day almost everyday. I alternate cardio one day and strength/weight training the next day. I don't keep up with a rotation or worry about how many days/week. I just alternate the cardio and weights. I do the Cathe tape I feel like that day. I try to do Interval Max atleast once/week. I also do my professional Elliptical Trainer if I don't feel like doing a step video. First, should I be doing a rotation? Is there an advantage? Should I be doing splits(S&H, Pure Strength, or the new Splits) for weight training? Is there an advantage to doing splits? Do I have to add cardio on the days I do splits? How does this work?

I'm just a newbie myself and don't know much, but I'll give you my 2 cents (only because no one else has answered so far).

Sounds like what you are doing is great. The important thing is doing what you enjoy because it keeps you motivated. To me, that's more important then anything.

Whether or not you want to do splits will depend upon your fitness goals. I think the reason so many workouts are "split" is because they would just be too long otherwise. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to train every muscle group in a single workout. The videos you mentioned are all strength workouts that train each muscle group to exhaustion. If you are serious about strength training, you would be well-advised to incorporate one of them into your routine.

Regarding rotations: From what I have gleaned thus far in these forums, the importance of a rotation is in being able to get the most out of each workout. Thus, if I want to work out on the elliptical machine, which exercises my glutes and quads, I am better off not doing the Strong Legs portion of PS the day before, because my legs may be a bit tired. So, for example, I might do Chest, shoulders and triceps one day; elliptical machine the next day; back and biceps the next day; then the elliptical the next day; then the Strong Legs the next day; then the treadmill or day off the next day. I think alternating cardio and weight days is fine when done this way.

Hope this helps?

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