Spin Bike or Trainer?


Hi All!

For those of you that spin, do you use a spinning bike or do you use your regular bike and a trainer? I want to start incorporating spinning into my workouts and would really appreciate any feedback and experiences.

What I have now is a Trek mountain bike that I bought a few years ago at a bike shop. It's a great bike, but the problem is I just haven't been riding much lately (okay, not for a loooong time) and my skills need much improvement! So I'm wondering if in order to better my riding skills AND get a great workout (I want to get the Spinervals DVD's) so that I can get back out and ride outdoors, which would be better, the spin bike or a trainer?


:D Nicole
Well, I'll be no help here...but I just ordered a spin bike on Wednesday so that's what I'll be doing! I had purchased some Spinervals a while back when they were on sale. My outdoor bike is crappy and I really like the spin bikes I've used in gyms so I just bit the bullet and ordered one.

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