Soy Powders or whey?


Which one do you use? Do you think soy is bad for you? I can't have any dairy products. I don't eat meat , not even fish. I need some sort of protein. Would soy be good?
Whey is made from milk, so you probably would want to stay away from that if you don't do dairy. Soy powders aren't necessarily bad for you, but like anything, it's better to eat the food in it's unprocessed natural state (soybeans) rather than the isolated protein. There are other types of protein powders available besides whey and soy that you might want to consider - I know Kathryn knows a lot about these, so I'm sure she'll chime in here. I've used soy protein powder before (Spirutein), and it's pretty good. Some people feel bloated when they use soy powder, but that's never happened to me.
I use one that's "pea" (so yes, another legume) based...After hearing conflicting information about soy over the years, I decided to make a change...

MJ in MN
I don't like soy protein, because I think the studies that show soy is bad are based on these isolates and concentrates (and not on whole--or mainly whole-soyfoods like tofu, tempeh, soy milk, edamame, which I do not avoid).

Whey and soy aren't your only options. I prefer a rice/pea protein combo (like Vegan Complete from ). Both rice and pea are high quality proteins, and when combined, form a complete protein that is more digestible than soy---and I know that from experience!).

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