Sore elbow - weight lifting questions


Hi all -
I've got an elbow problem which is probably some sort of tendonitis thing - haven't seen a doc, since it's not too terrible. I've had nerve-related problems in the same elbow, caused by too much time at the computer. I expect the current problem is related, but I also think that weight lifting affects it, since it does hurt then.

My questions:
1. What sort of effect do you get doing lighter weights with higher reps? I don't want to lose the mass I have, but I'm willing to change things up.

2. What's the difference in doing standing bicep curls as opposed to sitting on a bench and bracing your elbow on the inside of your thigh? Seems like standing is harder because you have to use your core as well. But what about effects on the bicep only? This position does relieve some of the stress on my joint.

I'm changing my routine up, regardless, according to what feels better. But I'd like to know what to expect from the changes...

Thanks, everyone!

I also have elbow tendonitis. I don't have an answer to #2, but regarding #1, I have found the tendonitis to get worse with higher reps and lighter weights rather than lower reps/heavier weights. I think repetitive motions make tendonitis worse.

If you have not already tried it, I find an elbow strap (the kind that is worn on the upper forearm right below the elbow) to help minimize the pain. You can buy them at WalMart or any sporting goods store like Dicks, and even at drug stores.
I don't have the answers to your questions but wanted to note that I have a "cuff" style brace that goes around my fore-arm and use it when my elbow is sore. It seems to help. I got it from the Doc but you should be able to get one at any local drugstore.


Shannon, I have been complaining about my elbow hurting for the
last couple of days. I had hit my funny bone a couple of months
ago, but all of the sudden it hurts again. I didn't know if it
was the weather or if its from bicep curls. I have found it does't
hurt as much when i sit and do them proped against my inner thigh.
Though I have used the firm tapes for years and cathe is new to me
I don't know enough to answer your other questions.
I do know that changing up your routine is a good thing.
I have had that elbow thing for a couple of years. I had it checked and was told it was tennis elbow, which I know was created by my lifting weights. I have a hard time with biceps, I can't use a barbell as it really hurts. When I do dumbbell curls I do them at an angle as straight up hurts to much, preacher curls are easier as well. Last year I switched to just doing Pump Classes at the gym and I didn't have a problem with the lighter weights, then I got bored and decided to suffer a little.

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