soooooo bloated!!!!


i'm so bloated todayx( yesterday was my mom's b-day so of coarse i took full advantage of it with pizza and cake:9 then today i didn't feel like doing the 6 mini meals so i did 3 large ones. they were healthy but eating large meals made me feel sooooo bloated not to mention i'm retaining water from my treats. i feel so much better on small meals even though its a pain in the a**. i'm not sure why i posted this, i guess i just wanted to share my bloat with you:p
I experience the same thing when I eat fewer, larger portions as opposed to more frequent smaller ones. I also feel really tired throughout the day (which is not good since I spend much of the day driving). I feel "lighter" and much more energized when I spread out my meals. It has really helped with my first muscle strength rotation, too.

Yes, they are a pain in the butt, especially with all of the preparation that goes into each meal. I would like to change up my meals, I just don't have the time.
I have noticed this too, when I eat lots of junk food, I feel awful, not just the guilt of putting that stuff into my body, but my pants feel tight, I feel sluggish, headaches, and the list goes on, but I can figure out why I continue to do it!!! :-(
I am a bloated mess from PMSx( sigh. And yes, I agree, small snack like meals throughout the day equal a much flatter tummy for me-all day long without that bloated, too full feeling!
A good solution for bloating is to drink lots and lots of water. I mean, tons! It always helps me to get rid of that boatedness.

I also agree that a bunch of smaller meals really helps as well.
Me too! I am PMS Queen of the Underworld, according to my family, over the last few days. I am acting as a giant sponge, soaking up all water around me. Unfortunately it has rained for days...:) The hot water with lemon is a great idea, I may try it.
No help here but I am soooo bloated right now too. PMS does it to me every month. I might try thr hot water and lemon also.
I feel your pain, darlin'! I, myself, went a little crazy this weekend and indulged a bit more (not THAT'S an understatement.....!) than I should have. The yucky feeling you (and I) have will go away. Try not to let it get you down too much. Hang in there--and yes, drink lots of water!


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