i'm sooooo confused on how much weight training and cardio should be done. it seems like each day i read something different on whether to do more cardio or more weight training to get lean (i know diet is number one but i have that part down). i wish there was just a black and white answer to it all. i think about it a lot and the more i think the more confused and frustrated i become. i have to admit i get nervous about lifting heavy and getting bulky. i really like to lift and cardio is ok but sometimes i feel like the cardio makes me tired and hungrier. i know its a trial and error type of process and i have been working out for the past 10 yrs and i still don't have the body i want which is like how cathe looked in kickmax. the problem with the trial and error approach is you have to give a routine a good month to see if it works and if it hasn't worked you feel like its been time wasted if that makes any sense. so i just wanted to vent a little and wanted to know if any of you feel this way or have any adivce or if you found what worked for you.