i work with some very very hateful ppl. i think they are jealous b/c i have a husband or something not sure. i just try so hard to laugh it off. i know its hard sometimes since i am clinically depressed(actually
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclothymia )and have panic disorder. sometimes i perceive things are bad when not and i try to keep that in mind that my disorders may change perception of the world. we are lucky that dh's job offers counseling to help with behavior therapies. maybe something like this in your area? just a support group or somebody to talk to might help.
i also try to keep a clean diet and lots of evening yoga even if its only for 10 min. just a mini vacation from the stress. i have an autistic child and a husband that has been working 2-3 jobs just to help us get into this house and keep things afloat so working at a high school with hateful kids and even just as hateful co-workers can burden lots of emotions on me especially when things are going wrong ppl like to point the fingers and whether you did anything wrong or not somebody is going to get the blame.
and with the way things are today its hard not to be worried,depressed, and overwhelmed so if you think its really getting in the way of your life i would seek somebody to talk to. i still struggle but having a support beam to turn to helps A LOT in my decision making on how i am going to handle a situation and how i am going to let myself feel.
i choose no meds personally b/c they just drain me of any feeling and i don't seem as focused on taking care of my family as i would just learning step by step how to deal with things. its hard but i am one in a million of ppl that suffer from shear unhappiness.
ETA: just wanted to throw in that i have to repeat alot in my head that its THEIR problem not mine when they want to be nasty. i try to say that i would pray for them rather then pity or show anger b/c that would only escalate the problem. i don't let them push me over but i pick and choose my battles. i have one gal she just likes to talk about ppl,whether or not we did something. that is HER problem that she is unhappy with herself that she feels the need to be negative on others, i just pray she finds herself but its no reflection on me. before i used to think i did something or i was a bad person b/c she talked bad about me,but that was just panic talking.