Some people's ignorance just infuriates me!!!


I was reading the mail bag from this weeks People Magazine 1/31/05 issue with Brad & Jen on the cover. This women wrote in response to the Jan 1st issue with Half Their Size as the cover. She wrote and I quote.

Letter by Helen Rogers of Dumfries, Va
While I congratulate all the people in your article on their great weight loss, everyone from 134lbs. to 165lbs. is wearing a size 8, which isn't possible. NO way can anyone at 121 lbs. wear a size 4. I'm 120 and have ALWAYS worn a size 6 or 7. Let's get realistic on the sizes.

Hello!! IS this woman clueless! Let's take a few factors in for a second... such as height.... and oh... do they workout out. I was 145 and wore a size 8, i did aerobic weight training. Now a fellow weight watcher member, same height, same weight... wore a 12.. hum.. she didnt' work out... I am just shocked that they would post such ignorance...

*gets off of soap box**

thanks for letting me vent!!

I know what you mean. Now I'm 125 sometimes 127 and I'm 5'7 i wear anything from a 5,6,and sometimes 7. It all depends on the brand of clothes you wear. The more expense cloths tend to for example say size 5 but in another brand it will be a 6 or 7. I do agree with what you say about the people that just diet verse the people that diet and workout.
Why do you let letters in People magazine get to you?

How many people really believe the stuff that's in there, let alone want to write back to the editor.

I flip through People and it's clones when I take the kids to the dentist and put it down to read the children's magazines instead, at leats they're educational.

>How many people really believe the stuff that's in there, let
>alone want to write back to the editor.

Ah but Dave! THATS the problem

Too many of us "do" believe that stuff written in such stupid magazines which is why womans minds are so "screwed" about what to eat, what to wear, how to look!

But really!!! a reality check is needed if your upset about a letter in "People" magazine. Not the most educational or substance worthy magazine out there!

Im MORE upset someone paid money to buy the "stupid" thing, instead of a coffee and donut.............the more plesent way to waste energy on


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Not only do different brands of clothes fit differently, but muscle weighs more than fat. You can have two people who wear size 5, where one lifts weights and is more muscular, thus weighs more; the other only does aerobics and doesn't lift weights so they will weigh less. Both are the same size, but the physical makeup is different.

You know, people who obviously have no clue shouldn't write into magazines to show off their ignorance. :7

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