some people should not have pets

disgusting. our neighbors across the street send their PUPPY out in the cold at 6am when i get up. its been freezing or below these past few nights. WTF is wrong with ppl!

OMG! Poor thing. In so many ways. Jimmy, my Aussie is Border Collie sized (actually a little bigger as bc's tend to be smaller and leaner) and he weighs 55 pounds. Poor thing was probably embarrassed too. They're smart dogs. I hope that woman is no longer able to keep dogs.
Oh crap - I hate hearing stories like this. It just breaks my heart to know that there are so many animals out there neglected and/or abused.... The owners should be in JAIL!

She was overweight at 62 pounds.

I got her leaned out to 50 pounds by restricting treats.

I can't believe anybody would permit such a great breed to become that obese.

That is twice what my dog weighed when I realized she needed to lose weight.

Poor doggie!!! Someone needs to freeze the owners butt to the sidewalk overnight. The dog also weighs 120 lbs!!! No border collie should weigh that much. Poor thing :(:mad::(:mad::(:(

Maybe God knew the poor thing would one day NEED that fat... I don't get why there aren't tougher penalties for animal abusers. Why would anyone be against tougher penalties? I want mandatory prison time.
It's very unusual for neglected dogs to be over fed. Most of them are starved. The dog was lucky I guess. These stories are so disturbing. How can you sleep at night knowing your family pet is freezing outside? I don't know what it takes to be this cruel? I don't want to know. It just bothers me so much.

Last year, there was a cold weather/neglect story in my area. Someone left a dog and her pups outside in below zero weather. The mother dog was so desperate to save her babies, she dug a hole, put her pups inside, and sat on top of them. Two of the pups died, one survived. A cop found them by accident answering a call next door.

I think there should be a special hell for people who abuse children and animals.
I think there should be a special hell for people who abuse children and animals.

I agree.

But unfortunately, many people who neglect pets don't think they are abusing them.

A family in my neighborhood has 3 cats and 1 dog. The dog is now a tripod, after having a leg amputated after a car accident.

The female cat was spayed (after having a litter) and gets to live in the house.

The two male cats (her sons) were never neutered, or ever taken to the vet as far as I know.

I haven't seen one for a while (he might be the one I tried to catch to take to the shelter to find an actual good home after I found out they were left out their first winter here with just a cardboard box on the porch to sleep on like some bums), but I've been feeding the other one on and off since late summer, when he came around all beaten up and skinny (I'd been socializing with him before: petting, talking to him, but hadn't actually given him food.

When he comes around now--2-3 days a week either morning or evening--he's obviously more starved for attention and love than hungry for food most of the time.

I saw him on the neighbors' porch with their son one day. The son--about 6 or 7--was throwing snowballs towards another neighbor's house, and the cat was rubbing up against him trying to get his attention. The kid went into the house without even paying attention to him (so I gave him an extra big snuggle later!) What a lesson to teach their kids: that cats don't need love or attention or even regular feeding as far as I can tell (the family was gone for a few days around Thanksgiving, and I don't know how they left food for the cat---he did come to see me more often!)
I agree with Fit44 - there should be a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals. The owners should be left outside in the freezing cold overnight with only their skin to keep them warm. See how they like it. Sometimes I am so ashamed of the human race and the various horrible things we do to each other and to the beautiful animals on the planet that we should be admiring, not abusing. I can't help it - some people just make me sick. :(
I agree too! it gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read those kinds of stories, and it makes me angry when people don't take the responsibility of owning pets very seriously! they are living, breathing beings that only want to give love and receive a few basics in return!

I even get choked up every time I see that Sarah McGloughlin (sp?) commercial with all those rescue animals...

Like Kathryn said, some people don't realize what they are doing is neglect/abuse, but MOST I think DO and just don't have a heart or conscience!

Shame on them! Hug your furbabies!
I adopted a cat when I was working at the airport here in Whitehorse, Yukon. The temperature was -40 Celcius and a security guard found two kittens frozen to the ground out in the parking lot. The cat ended up losing a large piece of it's tail. I can't believe someone would just dump them like that. Should be shot I figure.

I agree.

But unfortunately, many people who neglect pets don't think they are abusing them.

You are right Kathryn.
My neighbor loves his dog. He's with his dog all the time. However, he leaves the dog roaming the neighborhood without a lease. When the neighbors complain, all he says is that they need to get a life. When he's gone, he tethers the dog to a tree. I've untangled the dog several times when I hear the poor thing whimpering.
I've mentioned to my neighbor how I untangled his dog and it doesn't seem to sink in he is putting the dog in harms way. :(

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