<--some of it's magic, some of it's tragic


<---waves a goodmorning to Catheland - old and new
<---heard some sad news about an old friend this morning and hopes she sees this send out of much love and many hugs
<---has to go back to work today after a delightful 3 day weekend
<---has to spend half the day in a small room without internet access and lots of bleach fumes
<---thinks that may explain a lot of the essence of ME :eek:
<--waves to Robin and Cathe land
<--is glad Monday is over
<--wonders when Robin plans to start STS?
<--hopes everone has a terrific day :)
<---yawns, morning all!
<---wants a three-day weekend like Robin had!:(
<---agrees with Cat about being glad Monday is over;
<---will use Tuesday as my do-over day for all the things <---was slack on yesterday.
<---waves tootles, and goes to get much-needed coffee
<--- slinks in & waves to one & all, old & new
<--- hasn't been around here... or anywhere... much lately
<--- apologizes profusely for that but <--- has just been incredibly busy lately
<--- has still tried to keep up with some of the happenings 'round here anyway, though
<--- simply had to pop in & say HI when she saw the old familiar thread
<--- can't begin to comment on everything right now so will just be a bit self-absorbed
<--- is in the throes of buying, selling, & moving right now
<--- explains that the "new" place is a foreclosure & in need of LOTS of TLC
<--- says that the "old" place is finally fixed up... & now we're leaving... phooey!
<--- generally starts working around 7 or 8 & doesn't stop until 9 or 10, sometimes later
<--- is terribly tarred & also sad that all my workout equipment & DVDs are packed up
<--- did finish STS about a month ago & loved the rotation & results... happy 'bout that
<--- is already looking forward to doing it all over again... someday
<--- needs to leave for another full day of work at the "new" place
<--- is really sorry & sad that she can't hang out & chat with all her Cathe buddies more
<--- will try to pop in again but it will be much, much later if it even works out
<--- hopes everyone has a great day & <--- looks forward to catching up more soon
<--- sneaks back out quietly singing "hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..."
<---staggers out of the bleach infused room
<---lets Cat know <--doesn't plan on starting STS until after vacation in July - or maybe even the RT
<---tells TeTe to get to work
<---waves to everyone else and heads back into the fray
<--waves wildly to Kel
<--is so glad she stopped by
<--hopes the move goes well
<--^^5 her on her STS results
<--thinks Robin is wise not to start STS till after the RT
<--hopes TeTe's day goes well
<--is ready for 5:00 :p
<---pops in to say hello!
<---is also glad Monday is over.
<---is in a 5 minute break from a desktop video conference.
<---is poorly lit. :mad:
<---hopes Robin's friend gets mucho hugs and love.
<---wonders if Melissa's butt is still singing to her today.
<---hopes everyone has a great day! :)
<--- waves to all
<--- didn't get back here yesterday, obviously
<--- sends Robin some bleach-be-gone fumes
<--- is also sending much love and hugs to an old friend in need
<--- is thrilled to see Kel!
<--- wonders what Melissa's butt was singing?:p
<--- is in the "happy that Monday is over" gang
<--- thinks Gayle's poorly lit video conference must be annoying
<--- is with Catherine on being ready for 5:00
<--- hopes TeTe has a good do-over day
<--- misses this thread
<--tells Shelley lets move the clock forward **insert evil laugh**
<--waves to Gail
<--wonders if she'll stay awake for the rest of the conference?
<---is awake, is awake!! *shakes head* and is also with Catherine on being ready for 5:00. :)
<---is waiting for lunch buddy to get off the phone.
<---hopes HipChick's buying, selling and moving goes smoothly.
<---hopes TeTe got her do-overs in.
<---waves to Shelley!
<---smells bleach. :eek:
<---smells bleach too!
<---will smell like bleach for the rest of the week now
<---says while we are wishing, let's wish for 5 on Friday!
<---and chocolate....
<--- says "awww, y'all are so sweet & I've missed you all!"
<--- hopes to have more time to spend on the computer in the near future
<--- is finished with another day of demo & is beat
<--- agrees with Robin & crosses fingers, wishing for 5:00 Friday & lots of chocolate
<--- is jealous of everyone going on the RT but hopes to go on one someday
<--- is happy that Robin got to see Buffett & also hopes to see him someday too
<--- doesn't know what else to say so <--- will sign off again for now
<--- sends lots of hugs to all in need & runs to the shower...
<--Pops in to wave hi to everyone
<--Says, HEY KEL!!! Long time no see!!
<--Is expecting to see some pictures of your new abode!
<--Wonders if you're still in TN too?
<--Hopes Robin has come down off her bleach high and no longer smells bleachy
<--Adds skinniness to wishlist. OH to be skinny... :(
<--Waves to shelley!
<--Wonders how misslimecat has been!
<--Hopes Gayle survived her boring conference!
<--Waves to Tete
<--is waiting for DH to get home so <--can work out while he watches the wild ones.
<--Has already bathed them, fed them and has put them in front of a movie with a bowl of popcorn and m&ms. Again, it is <--'s duty to sugar them up before DH has them. :p (mean, but fun)
<--Is watching Charlie (nearly 9 months now) rock on hands and knees to the music in the movie (High School Musical). How funny...
<--Says, sadly, he has his mom's rhythm...
<--Hopes you all have a wonderful evening!! :)
<---is LOL at Stephanie sugaring up the boys for their dad
<---adds that Stephanie needs to hold onto a DH who will babysit while Mom worksout
<---is happy to see Kel back
<---doesn't envy Kel's move
<---should move just to get all of the crap out of the house though
<---thinks going to a Buffett concert with Kel would be grand
<---says it's bath time for DGS
<---waves taa till tomorrow
<--- steps in and wave "Hi" to everyone
<--- wonders if she missed pics from Robin's weekend adventure :(
<--- wonders what the singing butt is all about
<--- is with HipChick on the RT... Maybe someday
<--- tells Gail she can always try to picture the people at conference nude for entertainment :confused:
<--- has to go eat dinner before DH gets cranky

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