Solids for preemie that is 8 months old



I am new to the forum, but have been working out to Cathe's videos for years. I have a question about feeding solids to my baby boy who is 8 months old, but developmentally is 6 months. He was born 7 1/2 weeks early, so he is just starting solids. I have been feeding him solids for about a month (cereals, vegetables, and fruits). He really doesn't seem to want to eat them at all! I've tried giving him solids first before a bottle, giving him a bottle waiting an hour or so then feeding him solids, and giving him a smaller amount of formula, then solids, then formula again. He really doesn't seem to want to eat! Should I be concerned? Friends tell me to relax that he will eat when he is ready. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I agree with your friends - just relax and your baby will eat when he's ready. I think you should continue to offer solids, but if he doesn't want them, then mealtime is over. You want to make mealtime pleasant and not a struggle.

If you're concerned about his growth at all, though, I would definitely check with your pediatrician!

Good luck!

Hi Erica,

Thanks for your advice. He will be going to his 9 month pediatician check-up soon, so I will just make sure he is on track with his weight for his age. Once he starts crawling and pulling himself up, maybe his appetite will improve! Thanks again for your help :D

Hi! My last son was born 9 weeks early and he too struggled with solid foods for a while. With him the doctor was concerned only because he was losing weight for a couple of months and seemed to really need more than breastmilk by 8 months. The dietician recommended giving him very calorie dense foods like smashed avocados and although the quantity of food that actually made it down his throat seemed pretty small he did gain weight and finally matured enough to eat solids like a pro! Now he's a husky 2 year old it's even hard to remember the little 3 lb. baby he was at birth! Take care, Jenny
Hi Jenny,

It is encouraging to hear your story about your son since we have similar situations with our babies being born so early. It's nice to know that your once 3 lb. baby is now a husky 2 year old! Thank you for making me feel better :)


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