Social alcohol and fitness


OK, theoretically alcohol does nothing to enhance fitness or training... but how many of you continue to enjoy a regular glass or two and find that it does not impede weight/fat loss?

Is it gotta give up that pleasurable indulgence?
I don't think so. I drink a few (or more) glasses of wine every week or two. I might be a little hungover the next day, but it hasn't affected my fitness goals at all.
Coming from a self-described wino, I find that as long as I'm good with eating well a couple of glasses of wine doesn't impede my weight. DH and I usually split a bottle of wine on the weekends if we're staying in, and I haven't noticed any weight increase but I always log my food and beverages. Half a bottle of white wine (12.5 oz.) has approx. 250 calories, 280 for red. As long as you don't ignore its calories I think you'll be fine - life is short, enjoy your little indulgences :D
I enjoy a nice wine or beer (usually with food) a couple nights per week. One thing that I've noticed for myself is that beer will make me bloat a little the next day, whereas wine will not.

As with most things, I don't think you need to give it up, but just enjoy it in moderation.
I'm with the group here. I don't think you have to give up any indulgences in entirety. DH and I usually have a few drinks over the weekend. We just bought Absolut Raspberry & I mix it with diet coke -YUM!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

That sounds pretty good, Debbie! I usually drink Absolut w/ pineapple juice if I don't have my White Zin.
It's nice to see all of your responses. I have had a really hard time giving up a few drinks on Friday/Saturday night. I grew up with parents that drank socially - so my whole life at least Friday is a "have a few beers" night! TGIF!

Gypsygirl >^..^<
If you are not a regular heavy drinker I can't see the harm in a few drinks now and then...even if you "tie one on" on occasion I doubt it would cause any real harm to your goals...
My nutritionist said a few glasses of wine per week is fine, and it doesn't cause any weight gain for me. If I were trying to lose a significant amount of weight, I would probably try to avoid it for a while just because it tends to increase my appetite.

But hey, life is to be lived and enjoyed. It's taken me awhile to wrap my brain around the concept of enjoying life, but the older I get, the more I realize how important it is!

I have been struggling with this very issue, thinking this is the problem getting off that last 10 lbs. However, I limit myself for the most part to 4 oz. of red wine a day. I am for the most part adhering to the BFFM program, and in the past month I have lost 5 of the 10 lbs. Moderation is the key. 1 glass of red wine daily is not hindering me.
Nope, hubby and I drink whiskey and diet coke on friday and saturday nites, it hasn't effected my weight goals..... by the way anyone tried chaser Plus??? Rhonda
I indulge in wine and the occassional cosmopolitan or green apple martini every couple of weeks and it has no effect. I make sure todrink lotso f water when I am drinking alcohol and the next day, I tighten up the food intake a little to compensate. I do notice that afetr a holiday weeked of more drinking than usual that I see a difference but again, a couple of days after, I am back to normal.

Worth having is a chocolate raspberry martini (made with godiva chocolate liquor and stoli raspberry) I had one of those not long ago and I found heaven in a fancy glass! :)
I think alcohol in moderation is OK as long as you don't overdo it. We probably all know how easy it is to get a little buzz going and up drinking and eating TOO much! Also, red wine is supposed to be good for your cholestrol. I drink a couple glasses of red or white wine in the evenings and my cholestrol is very low - I know I don't always eat that healthy...
I drink once in a blue moon (just don't like the taste, don't go to bars, and did enough drinking to satisfy that "indulgence" between the ages of 17 and 20, when I drank more than I can even imagine drinking today without passing out or dying! And on a regular basis). Now, I'll have an occasional (like, once a year!) beer. I don't like wine (strange for a French teacher, I know, but I just don't like the taste...though I used to down bottles of Boone's farm's "Mellow days" and "Easy Nights"! )

That said, alcohol can impede weight loss (it tells your body to stop burning fat to take care of the alcohol, which your body sees as a toxin to get rid of, and also causes your body to store more fat from what you are eating), but I think that depends somewhat on what else you indulge in when you drink. If you're downing high calorie, high fat foods, those calories are more apt to be stored than burned. Also, some alcohol is very high calorie.

One drink a day for women, and 1 or 2 for men, has actually been found to have health benefits.

If you like it, don't make it a "no-no."
>though I used to down bottles of Boone's farm's
>"Mellow days" and "Easy Nights"! )
Oh gosh, Kathryn, that brings back some memories! lol...we must be close to the same age? (I'm 48)...Are you sure it wasn't TJ Swan that had those ones, though, and Boone's Farm who had "Strawberry Hill" and something else I can't remember? LOL!!! What about Mogen (sp?) David 20/20 (MD 20/20 or "Mad Dog")? Anyone remember THAT? Well, anyway, I used to LOVE drinking in my younger years (and into my "older years" as well), but I've pretty much given it up entirely over the last 4 or 5 years...particularly in the last couple of years because I've quit smoking, and the two always went hand-in-hand for me! Anyway, to answer the original question, I don't think it (social drinking) ever really impacted my fitness goals, one way or the other.
I've lost close to 90 lbs. and drank 1-2 glasses a day most of the time. I've given it up for periods to get off plateaus but always pick it back up when I can. My nutritionist also said 1-2 is OK as long as you count the calories.
>Oh gosh, Kathryn, that brings back some memories! lol...we
>must be close to the same age? (I'm 48)...Are you sure it
>wasn't TJ Swan that had those ones, though, and Boone's Farm
>who had "Strawberry Hill" and something else I can't remember?
>LOL!!! What about Mogen (sp?) David 20/20 (MD 20/20 or "Mad

It could have been TJ Swan (it's been so long!...I'm 48 as well!). MD 20/20 I had a couple of times (it came in a HUGE bottle!). And "Strawberry HIll", yes, I remember that!

I also used to drink those sweet drinks that have lots of alcohol in, but tastes like pop: Tom Collins', Tahitian Bridal Veils, Singapore Slings, and some mix that one bar did called "Combat juice" that came in a pitcher and was full of booze!

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