I drink once in a blue moon (just don't like the taste, don't go to bars, and did enough drinking to satisfy that "indulgence" between the ages of 17 and 20, when I drank more than I can even imagine drinking today without passing out or dying! And on a regular basis). Now, I'll have an occasional (like, once a year!) beer. I don't like wine (strange for a French teacher, I know, but I just don't like the taste...though I used to down bottles of Boone's farm's "Mellow days" and "Easy Nights"! )
That said, alcohol can impede weight loss (it tells your body to stop burning fat to take care of the alcohol, which your body sees as a toxin to get rid of, and also causes your body to store more fat from what you are eating), but I think that depends somewhat on what else you indulge in when you drink. If you're downing high calorie, high fat foods, those calories are more apt to be stored than burned. Also, some alcohol is very high calorie.
One drink a day for women, and 1 or 2 for men, has actually been found to have health benefits.
If you like it, don't make it a "no-no."