So, what's the next DVD?


The UPS tracking site tells me that my CTX DVD is waiting at my front door. Hmmm ... need an excuse to go home early!

I know you're probably wiped out after the road trip and the CTX DVD shipping blitz, but I thought I'd drop a few seeds about future DVDs that would look so lovely under my Christmas tree (or in my Easter basket). :D

1. PS - this one's a no brainer. That series would be perfect for DVD and has combo-mania written all over it.

2. Maximum Intensity Plus - MIC, MIS and Body Max. (This would be quickly known as the DVD where Cathe tries to finish you off!)

3. Step Favorites - Step Jam, Step Heat and Step Max.

I suspect doing all of these may not be cost-effective, but it would save so much room on our shelves, save the wear and tear on our VCRs, give us crystal clear viewing and make the combo-queens happy.

Just my .02 -- you know the rest!

(Thanks again for the CTX DVD. I can't wait to get home!)
Me Too!!

My DVD landed on my porch at 6:09 and I'm at my hubby's lot!! Can't wait to get home!!:-jumpy :-jumpy Cathe, we will let you catch your breathe for about a week before we start bugging you for NEW TAPES!! (Just a small reminder, we'd LOVE to have an ALL-ABS tape ;-).) Okay, I know we are being selfish here. Take a well-deserved break!! Thanks soo much. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Not Me!

My DVD, down the road from me at midnight last night still has yet to make it to MY doorstep. I calles UPS, and the woman on the line was mystified as to why not. Yeah, me too! I told her it was probably under the driver's seat.
RE: Not Me!

You think that's torment! My DVD's arrived in Madrid at 7.40am Thursday (local time), but due to the driver for my area being off sick I didn't get them till 1pm Friday! 60 odd hours from NJ to Madrid - 1000's of kilometres - and another 29 hours to do the 50kms from Madrid to my place! Isn't modern life a laugh.

Anyhow, enough griping - they're here: HOORAY!
Kimberly, I love your suggestions!

I'd also love to see a "BodyMax II" and an all new advanced step workout on DVD. I can dream, can't I? ;-)
I didn't buy the first Cathe DVD, since I already had all of the tapes on video, but I bought the newest 8 "videos" on DVD. It's great! I can preview the workouts by going "fast speed";-), and can flip back and forth to go whereever I want in a hurry. I have PS on video, but I would definitely buy a DVD with all of them on. As KimberlyH said, it's a natural combo. And the unilimited possibilities of combining sections of each workout (that is, if the bookmarks allow it).... I'd love to see PS on DVD.

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