<---snot face, wake up!!!


<--says the above is a line from a really corny movie that <--just LOVES!:7
<--must be in a corny mood this morning.
<--is surprised no one else has started this!
<--needs more coffee!
<--- waves g'day to all :)
<--- asks Wendy about her knee pain today?
<--- is not up to date on much around here but
<--- saw that Shelly's family has germs
<--- gets to have haicut and hi-light today after clean Max!
<--- prefers to get hair done on a Friday and go out, but there were not Friday app'ts th;is time around.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<---says Mornin' Glories!
<---*clinks* coffee mugs with y'all
<---thinks Judy will start the week off with beautiful tresses
<---thanks Tig for the interesting title thread
<---has to go scare lazy teenager out of bedx(
<--agrees w/Judy that getting hair done is much more fun when there is some place to go show it off afterwards!;)
<--tells Judy <--is having pain in her hip or upper rear end region??? <--had it once before a long time ago.
<--thinks Tammy's DS has a broken alarm clock too!:p
<--'s alarm clock worked this morning!:D
<--is off to get some java...
<--was not able to escape the butt glue earlier to get some!:7
<--is sooo tired
<--wanted to sleep the day away
<--hopes Tammy doesn't scare teh teenager too much
<--was always horrible to get out of bed at that age
<--hopes Judy's hair appt goes well too
<--is astonished at how chipper Tig is at this hour on a mon
<--wishes <--was like that
<--is a bit concerned Shelley hasn't posted yet
<--hopes she didn't succomb to germs in her house
<--is so wishing it were Friday already

Maeghan AKA megadoo

<--tells Meg it's like Sunday to <--because <--doesn't have to work today!:7
<--wonders if the weather is causing Meg's sleepiness?
<--had rain here y'day and is having it again today. ACK!x(
<--is also concerned with the whereabouts of one Miss Shelley!
<--is doing laundry this morning...fun fun!
<--tells Tig that the weather isn't helping
<--says slso staying up to late
<--didn't feel tired, but really was
<--didn't WO yesterday, got a phone call from best friend in the military in Georgia, and then he 3 wayed in another friend out in Cali, and we all talked for about 2 hours
<--really really really enjoyed the phone call:7 , misses them terribly;(
<--then had to shower and go grocery shopping
<--then put kids to bed and stared at my barbell for about 20 min, and decided to paint <--finger and toe nails instead:p

Maeghan AKA megadoo

<--thinks finger and toenail painting can be a work out in itself!:p
<--wonders if that made Meg feel any better about blowing off work out? :7
<--is glad Meg enjoyed the marathon phone call.
<--is not a phone person but would have talked a while under those circumstances too.:)
<--tells Meg no excitement for <--today. LOL
<--is doing usual house cleaning duties, DS duties and work out (if possible).:+
<--hopes Meg finds that box of cereal!
<--hopes it wasn't left behind at the store!:eek:
<---is comin' on over to say hello!
<---clinks coffee mugs w/ da girlies
<---plans to do LIC today
<---is slowly working through all the new DVDs
<---likes to do them all as is first before breaking 'em down and selling 'em for the parts ;)
<---hopes y'all are starting the day off right
<---will bbl!

ETA those of you who have done LIC, what weights and barbell did you use? THX!!


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
<--has coffee in hand!
<--says that's all <--needs to start the day off right, Deb!
<--clinks mug w/Deb and says CHEERS!:9
<--waves to all on another Monday morn
<--says nothing but rain in the forecast into perpetuity
<--wishes Judy a happy haircut and TiG a happy cup a joe
<--does not envy Tammy having to wake a teen! :eek:
<--says <--'s Mom once had to resort to pouring a bucket of water on <--'s head
<--has never been good at waking up x(
<--says that includes today
<--feels the same way Meg does
<--needs LOTS more coffee
<--waves to Nancypants.
<--shouts Nancypants, WAKE UP in <--'s most booming voice!
<--wonders if that helped?
<--will be happy to grab a bucket if needed!:p
<--- is not awake
<--- has a coughing child and a snotty SO who slept on the couch last night because he couldn't breathe
<--- hopes Judy has a lovely hair cut and highlights
<--- wonders if Tammy threw a bucket of water on the teens?
<--- would never do that because it would make a mess that <--- would have to clean up
<--- thinks that toe and fingernail painting sounds like a good sub for working out
<--- hates talking on the phone
<--- says, that being said, had a phone call from Miss Shannon on Saturday morning and it was LOVELY to finally hear her voice!:)
<--- is climbing down in to the HH for the day
<--is glad to finally see Shelley.
<--thought maybe something was really wrong.
<--thinks Shelley should take a nap in Queen B's office today!:eek: }(
<--is also happy to see SHelley, but is sad to hear of all the sicklies in her home
<--will send some healing vibes their way
<--wonders how Robin, Emily, and Greyor are doing today
<--wonders how the GA crew is
<--hungry again
<--waves to Nancy too
<--hopes SHannon pops in and <--thinks that is totally cool that Shannon and SHelley got to talk this weekend

Maeghan AKA megadoo

<--would like the same coffee Tig is drinking
<--will pass the pot to Nancy, Meg, Shelley, and anyone else in need of the extra zip
<--Judy will need no extra zip as she is getting a new doo
<--will doing the same this week...and a nail repair since <-- decided to break one right after manicure...
<--is sorry the allwildgang is not feeling well
<--wonders how Robin & family are doing
<--remembers being a teen being dragged out of bed
<--is glad to be out of the HH today

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