Originally Posted by SNM Videos
We will still have some postal orders that we will take to the post office on Friday, but we will then be completely finished. So not too much longer to go here.
I am in Canada and am expecting mine to go through postal service, have you been sending out the postal orders each day or are you waiting until the very end to send them. I really hope mine are the way, especiallly since it will take a while to get here and I would like to start around the same time as everyone else.
Originally Posted by SNM Videos
We will still have some postal orders that we will take to the post office on Friday, but we will then be completely finished. So not too much longer to go here.
I am in Canada and am expecting mine to go through postal service, have you been sending out the postal orders each day or are you waiting until the very end to send them. I really hope mine are the way, especiallly since it will take a while to get here and I would like to start around the same time as everyone else.