SNM: workout card for meso 2 week 2 problem


Hi I notice that in this that the 75% increase the weight is still the same as in meso 2 week 1 at 70%. Is this an error? For instance the bench press on a flat bench for me it says at 70% is 71lb and for week 2 it still says 71lbs at 75%.

Edit to say I just went and look and compare meso 2 week 1 chest shoulders, and tri's and meso 2 week 2 chest, shoulders, and tri's and the weights 70% and 75% are the same on the same exerise on the workout card. There is no increase. According to my calculator at 102 my 1RM its suppose to be 76.5 in week 2 for flat bench press not 71lb.
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Yes, we fixed this as well as several other problems today. Let us know if you see any other issues like this.

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