SNM...question on the "Read New" option


When I click on "Read new" when I'm not logged in, it seems to work. However, if I click on it when I am logged in I get an error message. Is this feature not available when logged in?
RE: SNM...question on the "Read New&am...

I tried to add the ip address to the router's info. It did not work. What I don't understand is that even if the problem is the firewall, why does it work when I'm not logged in. I'm only having a problem when I'm logged in. If it's of any help, I never had a problem with reading new messages with the old software.
RE: SNM...question on the "Read New&am...

Thought it might help if I posted the error message.....

Following query failed:
INSERT INTO dcsearchcache VALUES('', '3e33efc023b9cbb8', NOW(), '2', '7143', '0', 'off', '20010516112407', '20010523051513', 'CTX Videos Question', 'ss's girl', 'honeybunch', '3')

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