I could have written the same post! Due to working fulltime and then cooking, cleaning, taking care of the house, kids, husband, etc. when I get home I have not been able to workout hardly at all and naps are not an option since I work fulltime. I tried to workout during my lunch hour for a couple weeks, but all that did was cause me to catch the flu because I'm not getting more than 4 broken up hours of sleep each night and I'm totally exhausted. DD is a lot more work than DS was. I'm hoping that DD will start to go to bed earlier than midnight and sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. She is almost 3 months old, shouldn't she be sleeping better by now? Please know that I feel your frustration about not being able to lose the baby weight. Until DD sleeps better my workouts are being sacrificed which means my extra 30 pounds won't be going away any time soon. I hope for your sake DS will start to take longer naps so you can have Mommy time. Hugs are coming your way.
Best wishes,