SLOW day at work...


I normally don't come here at work, but it's just ridiculously slow today. So I am sneaking on, setting my screen tiny because I sit in an open area and everyone who walks by can see what I'm doing. Anyhow, I'm bored!!! Argh. I have double-checked and triple-checked everything that I possibly can, but all of my projects are sort of on hold until next week, when my clients are back in town. I can leave early tonight to go to a Passover seder, but it's just me and my BF, so it's not as if I have to be out of here really early. Ugh. I think I have become the master of the 10-minute bathroom break today!
Ah, another slow-dayer. Me too! Of course I haven't been quite as circumspect as you, and have been posting all darned day!
When I worked at the bank before Joey was born, I spent more time on here than I do now that I'm a SAHM!:7 I felt guilty at first but it went away quickly!!!:7 :7 :7
>When I worked at the bank before Joey was born, I spent more
>time on here than I do now that I'm a SAHM!:7 I felt guilty
>at first but it went away quickly!!!:7 :7 :7

My last job was like that--really slow and horribly boring most of the time, but I hadn't discovered at that point. :(

Current job is the total opposite. Most days I am so busy I hardly have time to breathe. I like it a lot better that way--the day goes by quickly.

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