Slow and Heavy Featured Product?


Does anyone know if the slow and heavy series dvd has been a featured product yet? I hope I haven't missed it! It is pretty much the last dvd I need to complete my collection!
To the best of my knowledge it hasn't been offered yet.
I went through my e-mails announcing the sales, and I believe this is the complete list of what has been offered so far:

Featured products to date 9/7/09 by ending date:

Featured Product DVD: (Code FP-30)
Offer Ending

July 19th – Terminator DVD
July 26th – Classic DVD
August 2 – Cardio Hits
August 9 – Circuit Max & Cardio kicks DVD
August 16 – Pure Strength DVD
August 24 – Cross Train Xpress DVD set (includes the cross training series volumes 1 – 6)
August 31 – Rhythmic Step + Interval Max + Maximum Intensity Cardio DVD
September 7 – Body Blast Series: Kick Punch & Crunch + Legs & Glutes DVD
September 13 – Intensity Series: IMAX2 + Cardio & Weights DVD

Special Discount Bundles: (Code DB-30)
Offer Ending

September 7 – Body Blast Series 4 DVD set (includes The Timesaver DVD, Kick Punch & Crunch + Legs & Glutes DVD, Step, Jump & Pump + Step Blast DVD, and Supersets + Push/Pull DVD)

September 13 – Intensity Series 4 DVD set (includes The Terminator DVD, IMAX2 + Cardio & Weights DVD, Bootcamp + Muscle Endurance DVD, and Pyramid upper body + Pyramid Lower Body DVD)
The Slow and Heavy series is this week's featured product!
code FP-30, offer end date September 20th.

Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it. :)

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