

Hi Sherry! Sorry I missed your post. It got buried and I haven't had much chance to read. Re:That's so funny you mentioned floor work. I told my husband this morning I couldn't take it anymore and was going to do some lying floorwork tomorrow. Did you have to quit working out for awhile when you broke your toe?)

Yes, I had to quit working out with my videos. I had about 8 weeks total that I could not do any impact or twisting. Thankfully, I had just bought my Body by Jake B&T Rocker (which BTW, is what I broke my toe running into OUCH!!!) It truy was a lifesaver. (plus lots of suggestions from Francine who helped keep me sane! THANKS FRANCI!!!)) I was able to do weight work, with the exception of static lunges. Have you been able to add floorwork? How are you feeling now? I think of you often and know it is very frustrating when things sideline you. You are amazing though with all you go thru. Good for you!

Re: Didn't you say your sister has four pugs?! Oh my gosh, this little guy keeps me busy! I don't know how I raised five kids and had an animal menagerie at all times, including monkeys, skunks, and potbellied pigs!

Yes, my sis has four pugs!!! Can you tell she likes Pugs? They are definitley her babies!!

Re:I'll quit rambling. I can't work out so the forum is my only link to sanity)

Let me know how things are going. I know what you mean about this forum. Such a GREAT place to come!!!! (Sorry, hope this all makes sense to you. I guess I shoud have just bumped the post back up for you!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie!

Thank you for answering me back! You are always so sweet!!

I was a bit frustrated today. I was supposed to find out the results of my biopsy and they scheduled my drs. appt. wrong. It's not until Thursday. Oh, the waiting is the worst part.:-wow
I couldn't take it any more and did LL yesterday. I figured the barbell was on my back so I really wasn't LIFTING any weight.}>

I didn't workout cuz I thought I was going to the dr. so I better get busy and do a little something.

Thanks again, Debbie!!


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