

I just saw your pictures and I wanted to tell you that you have got yourself one seriously buff body there, Lady! WHEW!

You look great!
Hey Sherry, I'm just here to second that opinion. I just wondered how old you are, if you don't mind me asking? You have given me some serious motivation. I'm working very hard on shoulders? Your shoulders look so incredibly balanced...posterior, mid, and anterior...are you doing anything special to develop this? Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures!!!

Oh, how embarrassing! Sherry, I see you already have your own thread about your pics!!! (Briee, did you know this or are you just trying to make me feel less stupid? :* )

Oh, well, I still wanted to compliment you.
Robin, IMHO I think it was perfectly fine to start another thread about Sherry!!!!! And I posted after you because those irritating, "view all" threads take so long to come up on my dino computer and of course I like to read them all (and I'm impatient). So there!!!! Thanks for starting another thread and I will happily post on it.....(until, of course, you reach that "view all" stage and then I become impatient again}( }( }( ). I actually think she deserves a few threads to celebrate those incredibly defined muscles!!!! You go girl!!!

Hi Robin and Briee!!

You guys are too funny!! I'm tellin' ya, I think this has been THE best week of my life. I almost feel like a celebrity!:D

I am 47 years old. In fact, I'm gonna be a first time Gramma in August!! My only daughter is going to have a baby girl.:7

Thank you for your compliments on my shoulders. I don't do anything special for them. I think maybe yoga has helped?

Briee, I gotta tell ya, I love reading your posts. You're quite the wit. And Robin, I enjoy yours as well. You seem like such a genuinely sweet person. Aw heck, everyone on the forum is great; I guess that's why we all hang out here!

Thanks again for you compliments and have a great weekend! :+

Sherry.. I third the opinion! You appear to be a lean machine girlfriend!! Thanks so much for letting us put a face to the name!!

Sherry, I know you posted your workout regimen on the other thread, so I won't bug you here, but really, I hope I look half that good in 5 years.

OH MY GOODNESS!! I only have 5 years? I gotta get to work. Bye!

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