Skinny Bitch


Anyone pre orderd these DVD's and what do you think about them? Advanced, intermediate or beginners? Patrick Goudeau is suppose to be in them. Are they worth purchasing? One is called Skinny Bitch Boot Camp and the other is Skinny Bitch Fitness. They should be out Dec. 16.

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Hilarious names- I haven't heard of these but am now off to google them...

ETA: Oh, the same women that wrote the books- that makes sense.
I bought the book, and returned it, they were too much for me, trying to hard to be "bitchy" and turned out they are proposing essentially a vegan or strict vegetarian diet, which is absolutely not for me.

But I don't know anything about the dvds.
OMG! I read that book & found it horribly offensive--like, "if you don't get your lazy butt off the couch now & exercise you're an a$$hole........if you think eating such & such is OK then you're an a$$hole......." I didn't return it, I threw it in the garbage!

So now they're putting out DVDs? Good grief. I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater than have those women make one red cent of profit from me! :eek:
Laura: LOL at the cheese grater comment. I am not a huge fan of the women, either. My SIL is in LOVE with these women, though. After she read the book she went totally vegan. I try to be patient with her love for them, but at moments, it's hard.
i read the book and, like lauramax, was so offended but for different reasons. i got the book because i thought it was an irreverant discussion about nutrition and exercise. what i found was 2 girls masking their true agenda, veganism, by a funny title. i bought the book to get a laugh, but instead was blindsided by the vegan thing. i have nothing against veganism, and know it is a very noble way to live. i also love animals more than most people. i just thought these girls were very deceptive in their marketing. i would not support anything these girls ever put out for profit.
Yes, let me add, I too was actually offended by the book, and I just don't get offended all that easily. It was the sentence about eating a piling steaming load of s**t, very descriptive and disgusting, that was the last straw for me.

I also agree, that they entirely hid the fact that "their" diet was just repackaging veganism with a catchy title and snarky comments.
Just wanted to clarify that Patrick G. choreographed the workouts but does not participate. There's clip posted over at VF. It looks very beginner-ish to me and the "girls" have never led a workout before and it shows IMO. Furthermore, they look skinny but not fit. I picked up their book in the bookstore some months ago, read one page and was never tempted to purchase it.
I don't think I will be ordering the workouts but I was not at all offended by the book and passed it on to friends. I had been bordering on becoming vegetarian and this book convinced me. I know a lot of other people who changed their diets after reading this so I guess it had some positive effects.
Just wanted to clarify that Patrick G. choreographed the workouts but does not participate. There's clip posted over at VF. It looks very beginner-ish to me and the "girls" have never led a workout before and it shows IMO. Furthermore, they look skinny but not fit. I picked up their book in the bookstore some months ago, read one page and was never tempted to purchase it.

Okay, call me stupid - but I just went to VF website and can't find where to watch clips. Can anybody help?

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