
I just recieved these DVD's last week and have done them this week. I have enjoyed them all(as if I wouldn't :) ). BUT, SB has me crazy with the last part of combo 3. I know it will come with time, Imax 3 did. But GEEZ!, those short fast feet shuffles and all the triples around the board are gonna kill me(I'm not real rhythmically inclined)! I'm tripping all over the place, I'm lucky I haven't hurt myself yet. I think once I get it down, barring landing on my face or one of our dogs, it will be tons of fun.

I just wanted to share my experience. I'm really hoping someone will tell me it WILL get better with time and that I'm not just fooling myself into believing that :7 .

LOL! I just finally got combo 3 of SB--I've had the DVD for about 3 weeks now. I did each combo over and over, but by the time I got to 3 I was usually worn out and it killed me! I started doing the premix that is combos 2 and 3 and the challenge. That helped a lot. Also, the "fast foot repeater" got much easier once you're able to slow down a little (instead of jumping like crazy to keep up!) Keep at it. It's a fun one!:D
WHEW! Thanks muffintop, I was hoping it would get easier. I just find myself scoot, scoot, scooting (to keep up) and thinking OMG, I'm on the wrong side of the step kind of stuff. It usually doesn't take me to long to figure the combos out. But with this one all I could think was "SHEESH, what the heck WAS Cathe thinking when she did this! LOL Anyway, I'll keep plugging away at it and eventually work my way through it. Now, I'm really NOT looking at all that forward to Rythmic Step. I've had this one for awhile, just haven't been brave enough to try it yet. Who knows how that one will turn out, LOL!

Thanks for your input.

Hang in there, you'll get the moves down. It will take a little time. It might help to watch the moves first before trying and don't be afraid to hit rewind. You'll be glad once you get the moves down. Those workouts are a lot of fun.
Hi Sally,

I'm working on them too.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not afraid to hit rewind, I'm just very stubborn:) . I did watch the video before trying it, I just didn't think it looked that difficult(HA! silly me). Until, of course, I tried the end of combo 3. I didn't have any trouble with the rest of it, just that one dang part. I'll get it, it's just going to take me a few more times...............I hope:7 .


You'll have to let me know when you get it:) . We can struggle together, LOL.

Oh, and just a little history: I had never done step aerobics until I got Cathe's Imax 3 about a year ago. Now, how dumb was that? (rhetorical question of course, lol) Needless to say, I ordered LoMax real fast and it didn't take an extreme amount of time to learn that one. The rest is to speak.

I just did all of SB today - got the DVD this week. It's awesome!! Earlier this week I did Combos 1 & 2 - over and over until I had them. Today I added combo 3 and the challenge. One thing that helped me w/ the fast-feet repeater in #3 was to just do a regular repeater a few times - that will keep you on the same side of the board and allow you a bit of 'head time' to get ready for the triples.

A bit of a disclaimer - I taught step aerobics for quite a few years, so I can pick up Cathe's choreography pretty quickly. I think you are doing great for only having been doing step for a year! It WILL get better with time and practice.:)
Thank you Stephanie! I know I will learn the choreography, it's just going to take a litte time and I WILL practice. I'm stubborn that way, I keep doing it till I "get it down". I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind next time I do SB.

Sally - Like others it took me a while to get SB routine down but it definitely can be done if you stick with it. It is well worth it IMO - I just finished it a little while ago. My favorite way of using SB is to run through the routine from start to finish and then I add another run through of the complete challenge section -so I double up on the challenge. Today I even added the challenge section of KickMax - now that was a workout!

So getting back to your question, I found the trick on the fast feet shuffle is to do a Knee up first - once you do that you will be on the correct leg. The knee up is done on the leg that is on the outside of the step. Once this was suggested to me, I was able to do this segment without a problem.

Good luck! Karyn
I have rhytmic step but have not done the dvd version yet. I have done the fittv version and it is so much fun. Give it try you will most likely like it. ;-)

I think we will always be working on Cathe moves, she has such a variety by the time you go back to a different dvd you have to learn some of the steps over again.


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