Hey nancyzl,
Bookmark this link, the Ultimate Workout Guide has ratings of many of the workouts, the newer ones are not there, but you can find those descriptions at shopCathe, find the type of workout, higher numbers are more difficulty, read more intense, level of difficulty. (Intensity, Impact, Length)
I'd say:
for circuit workouts:
Body Fusion
Cardio & Weights
Low Impact Circuit
for Step & Weights,
Low Impact Step & Total Body Sculpting
Timesaver (Bodyblast Series)
Many Dvds have premixes you can use to adjust the length, impact , & intensity, such as Body Blast series (70 premixes I thinkin all)
The workouts that are not listed you can be sure are all Advanced , not intermediate, however, they too may contain premixes. (The exception of Low Impact Step & Total Body Sculpt noted above) When in doubt, post a question for any particular Dvd or workout you may be interested in.
Have Fun!