Silly Sunday in Cheetahville 7-6


Good morning cheetahs

Gloria...the salmon was great! DH really is a good cook...:)..I have run trails for a long time and for sure have had my share of cuts and bruises and pride hurt!! Glad you enjoyed the local fireworks. Glad you got the iPod...

Cathy...DH was a silly goofball about the watermelon info..:D..Didn't get to see the bomber yesterday but it had been busy fighting fires. That 4DS KB workout is a toughy, but fun.

Jackie..the funny thing about the watermelon is DH does not need it for that reason..:)...We might drive to the lake later and try and see the Water Bomber in action. Good job with the GS workout yesterday. And LOVE your house!!

Shelly...glad you enjoyed the Philly fireworks. Hope you had a nice rest day...

I will be doing at least 6 miles, maybe more if the smoke is not bad.
Good morning, Carole & the lovely cheetahs to follow--

Carole ~ I'm happy you started us off today! :) :) :) Hope the smoke isn't bad for you today. Feel the same about 4DS KB. Will be hard to top that one.

I had a little bit of a strange incident during what was to be this morning's long run. I went with my dad to a park beside the river; his plan was to walk while I ran. It's normally fairly crowded there, but I suppose a combination of the holiday weekend and the murky, overcast skies kept things quiet. Well, as I made my way around the first loop, I passed an old hoopty van parked alongside the road. Right after I passed it, it started up, passed me by twenty feet or so, and idled there. As I approached it, it pulled forward again. Then, I saw it pull ahead into a parking lot, make a U-turn, and "hide" behind some bushes. At this point, I was a little weirded out and decided to turn and run the other way, which I did. When I saw my dad, I stopped and began walking with him in the original direction (toward the van). Wouldn't you know, there comes the van, coming our way now. When he gets to us, he makes a K-turn and starts going in the other direction again. We walk some more, and there he is up ahead, idling by the side of the path again. This time, as we came closer, he made another K-turn and took off. To me, this was a little suspicious, and given the lack of the usual crowd, I decided I would just walk from there on out with my dad. Maybe that's paranoid, but better safe than sorry, I think. Who knows if he would be lurking on the other side of the river? So, I did 8 miles, a little over half of it was walking. But since my dad is tall and walks at a good clip, it was a change of pace for me, walking at that speed. I feel as though I worked my legs differently. I'm going to try for a long run again tomorrow morning. Long saga, bonus points for you if you made it this far. :7

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday!
Good Morning all!!!!

Jackie: Sounds like you are having a fabulous weekend. Your home is so beautiful! Are you doing any races this summer?

Shelly: I was born with a whole lot of patience I guess. The name thing gets old, but I don't get mad. Your full name is pretty, I like it. Glad you got to see some fireworks!! I am usually not a big fan of them, but I really enjoyed the show on the 4th. :)

Carole: I have been craving salmon lately. I also love smoked salmon. That is a bonus that DH is a good cook. My DH is too. He is not a recipe follower though and things still turn out good. Hope you have a nice run, however far. :)

Cathy: That is creepy, unusual behavior. I would have done the same thing. You made a good choice. I bought a little pepper spray thing, which puts me and DH at ease a little. I feel kind of silly carrying it, but you never know. We have registered sex offenders who live on our road. True Blue was one of the first tapes I ever had!! I also really love The Cure, Depeche Mode, 10,000 Maniacs, etc. I also like folk music like John Prine and Greg Brown. Like I said, a little of everything. I don't get annoyed to easily, so no worries there with the name thing! ;-) You are right about the ipod. It is in perfect condition.

This has been a fun weekend. Met friends who were camping last night at their bonfire. Good times, but this gal has been eating beyond bad and I need a break. Even DH has said he is sick of it. I will be making something healthy tonight. I just don't feel right. It was my own stupidity keeping me from downloading itunes. I was trying to put it in a temporary folder and I needed to put it on the hard drive. I learn as I go with this tech stuff, but it is frustrating. I will be downloading some goodies today. My ipod is just too cute!!! :) Today is my longer run of 7.3 miles. Hope everyone is having a nice, relaxing Sunday!!! :)
Good morning Cheetahs! Slow weekend in Cheetahville!

Cathy - Thanks on my home! Really love it! Still have lots to do but I'm in no rush. Of course, that can be on going. That van incident would have scared me too. You were right to be cautious with all the weirdos out these days. So glad your dad was out with you. You can never be too careful. Do you run with your cell phone? I've been feeling so comfortable here, I haven't thought to take my cell phone with me. Even though I can still see my neighborhood most of the time when I'm running, I need to remember to take that phone.

Shelly - Did I read that right? You took a rest day? Good for you. Glad you got to see some fireworks at work.

Gloria - As long as you get a workout in is all that matters. Sometimes you're just not feeling a rotation. Glad your new ipod arrived. Enjoy it! When I moved I went from an area that was able to get fast access to an area that couldn't. Luckily the local cable company offered it and it's even faster than DSL. But, the cable channels offered aren't near as good as Direct TV.

Carole - Went back and found your post about the Bomber. It was awesome to see them in action. Loved the info on them. I'm still laughing at DH and the watermelon. Maybe he's thinking in the future. :) Thanks re my house. Hope you have a smoke free 6 mile run.

Rest day for me. Gotta get ready for church. Enjoy your Sunday!

Gloria - You sneaked in there on me. Thanks on my home. I probably won't do a race until Sept. or Oct. I just don't feel like I'm ready for anything more than a 5K. Really don't want to be out there in the heat either. I get a lot of play on my name too but they're not songs. Things like Jack Rabbit, Jack & the Bean Stalk, Jackie Robinson, etc. Glad you have enjoyed your weekend and you're figuring out itunes. Have a good run!

Gloria ~ I do know what you and Shelly mean. I have heard a lifetime of jokes about my last name. It does get old, but for the most part, I just laugh along. Unless it's a PMS day. :7 I will say, though, that the worst was when I used to hear constant ribbing about a certain political scandal and my resemblance to the "shamed" woman. *lol*...I do normally run with pepper spray, but I opted not to bring it today because this park is normally busy. I wished I'd had it with me, though. It does give me peace of mind...Loved the bands you mentioned. I also have pretty varied taste in music. Just don't care for country (no offense to anyone)...Glad you squared away the iTunes thing. I learn as I go, too. Too much junk really does make you feel like garbage.

Jackie ~ I don't run with my cell phone normally. I've thought of it but it's not that small. It's Blackberry-sized. My dad was teasing me as it was. With my Camelback, iPod armband, and Garmin, he said I looked I was ready to travel to outer space. :7 Was glad I had him with me, though...Oh, I meant to say, I also love the message you have stenciled on your wall. I couldn't read the whole thing bc of the glare on my monitor but once someone wrote it out, I could appreciate it fully. Great message. Is that just outside the workout room?...I would even like to put a poster like that on my classroom door...Enjoy your rest day. You & Carole are crackin' me up with the watermelon talk.

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Jackie: Great idea to wait until September to race. DH and I consider that the best month of the year. Being a teacher, it is like a new beginning for me and I like that feeling. Not only that, but the weather is perfect. I could do without February and March though!! :) I love direct tv. We can't get cable and agree their programming is good. When we have friends over we just turn on the music station. They also have fit tv and dish network doesn't. That is how I found Cathe!! :) Enjoy your rest day!

Cathy: I was in love with Robert Smith from The Cure in high school!!! Lame, I know. I was also devastated when Kurt Cobain died. Not the best role model, but I still liked him. LOL about looking like "that woman." I don't like country music either. However, I am a Johnny Cash fan. I am not sure if he is considered country or not.

The mention of Morning Star made me think of dinner. Has anyone had the new veggie cakes? They are delicious! I think I will make them tonight with brown rice and spinach. It will feel good to eat well again. Coffee time is over. Need to get busy here. Have a great day all! BBL! :)
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Carole – Hope your run isn’t too smoky! Napa was pretty clear, but as we drove up valley into St. Helena the skies got hazy. There’s a big one in Medicino. We’re getting more fog in the AM so hopefully that will help. Glad the salmon was good! Hope you get in a long trail run and the smoke is not too bad. I’m giggling over your DH and the watermelon. Did it help? *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* I’m with ya on the hanging abs and holding on!

Cathy – oh that would have freaked me out, too. Good decision you made to stay with your dad! Tomorrow is another opportunity for a long run. 8 miles is still a decent workout! Now, I never would have put together any resemblance to the “shamed woman” but I can see a little, if I stretch my imagination. You’re much prettier. I LOVE those Morningstar Farms Buffalo Wings. YUM!

Gloria – The bonfire sounds like fun – and a perfect 4th of July thing to do! I’m with you on the bad eating. Let’s try to eat clean this week! Are you enjoying your iPod?

Jackie – Your home is lovely. You should be very pleased and proud to have a home like that. Thanks so much for sharing! Enjoy your rest day.

Wendi – how’d the horse show go? I’m cracking up over your excitement there. :p Did you get in BC?

Shelly – Another rest day yesterday? Wow! *winks* Too cool about the fireworks – I remember them being pretty spectacular. Are they set to music? You seem more of a Shelly to me than Michele. :p But I do like that song.

Judy – I’m with you on the 4th – it’s just a fun day – nothing stressful. Hope yours was fabulous!

I’m back from Napa. Had a great time. We did see fireworks – they were right over the Napa River. Surprised me a bit, though. However all of the other fireworks were banned. Went to Acacia and Joseph Phelps Wineries and had a great BBQ on the 4th – even got in a boat ride on the Napa River. It’s good to be home, though. :p I never did run, but I did manage to get in CC PP on Saturday – half on the elliptical/ have on a spin bike (the gym had 30 min limit on ellipticals). Yesterday was a rest day. Bike ride today. I hope to get in 30 miles. I’ll be going a little flatter than my last ride. Back is feeling good. Cold is still hanging around, but it’s more into the coughing stage now, so it’s more annoying than anything. Then it’s grocery shopping, laundry, and making Kimo’s food. Have a great day everyone!
Cathy..I was a bit shocked at starting the thread today...:)...Quite a bizarre story about that van! I am so glad your Dad was there. I would have been a bit cautious and suspicious myself. I think you did well on getting in the 8 miles. Even walking half of it. DH makes some killer smoked salmon. I like it a lot. I am enjoying you and Cathy posting about the 80's groups! My fav all time group is Boston (I know late 70's!!) My fav "Gloria" was Van Morrison's version. Enjoy your long run. I use Morning Star sausage patties and sausage links. I am sure you will feel better with some clean eating.

Jackie...Glad you enjoyed the Bomber links. It really is an amazing fire fighter. I honestly think DH was just being silly about his watermelon antics. Enjoy your rest day and church.

Christine...LOL about the watermelon helping. Unfortunately this perimenopause messes up the hormones somewhat, so maybe the watermelon can help ME!! So glad you had a good time in Napa. We were a bit smoky yesterday but today does not seem as bad. Good luck with the 30 miles today.

I ran 8 miles, about half on pavement and half on trails. My legs were a bit tired and it got hot quick so the last 2 miles were hard. Not very smoky, I just had a tough workout week and I am feeling it!!
Carole - GREAT job on the tough 8 miles, especially after the workouts you've done this week. Glad it wasn't too smoky. It's pretty clear here in San Jose. My DD15 was watching the news with me last week and noticed that in Big Sur the helicopters scoop up water from ponds, and wondered why they couldn't use the ocean. I honestly did not know the answer. I'm thinking maybe downdrafts from the cliffs, etc. I love watching the big fire plane, though - that is simply too cool.

I rode 31 miles today. They were nice rolling hills, and I enjoyed the ride. I stretched well, and I'm icing my back as a precaution. The bike felt really good. I like this bike a lot. I will do a couple of Spinervals and one more outdoor ride of about 17 miles with more hills before next Sunday, but I think I can handle the 50 miles pretty easily. I'm excited!
Christine...thanks re my run. I know the other workouts is why I am tired besides TTOM! I have watched the helicopters here scoop up water off the lake before. The Big Bomber is way cool, I'd like to watch it in action on the lake. Congrats on the 31 miles!!! Glad you are icing your back, I think that will help. I have no doubt you will handle the 50 miles very well...:D

I got out and did some yard work, but as it got to 101, I was not out there long...

Can someone give Wendy some glasses...she missed this thread..:+ :7 :) ;-) ;)
Okay, I think youse do this to me on purpose just to get a good laugh!:p I scan the first word of every thread looking for Cheetahs and if I don't see it I move on. That explains why I missed it...YET AGAIN!:7

I just finished my work out...I did Iron Core Way Volume 1. I used a 15# bell for the w/u and the 20#'er for the work out. I skipped the rest periods. YEOWZAS, what a difference!}(

Time for a shower now but I'll be back!:)
*lol* Here are the readin' specs for Ms. Wendy:

Gloria ~ *lol* I didn't crush on Robert Smith, but I was into them, even though so much of it was downer music. Perfect for teen angst! *lol* :7 I haven't tried the veggie cakes, but I will now. I could dig some Johnny Cash.

Christine ~ aw, thanks! That's kind of you to say. :) Glad you had an awesome ride today. What is the course like for next week?

Carole ~ not often a West Coast cheetah beats us early birds, huh?...*lol* about you being the one in need of the melon. 101?? Sheesh, that's warm. We've gotten some rain today, but the mugginess is hangin' on.
Carole – Oh, TTOM will do it as well! You had a double whammy – EXCELLENT job there Cheetah Babe! It is warm here today, too about 95. The nice thing about cycling is that you generate your own breeze and can cycle in much hotter weather. I’m all sweaty from my cooking marathon! Back feels good, so I think the icing helped. Yay!

Cathy – The course is actually pretty flat. There are some rolling hills, but nothing above 600 feet. You can see the course and the elevation here - I think it will be fine, actually. I could have ridden further today, so I’m happy. :p

Wendy – you’re too funny! We’ll have to remember that you need us to start the thread with CHEETAH!!! Glad you had a good workout!

I’m DONE! I did my bike ride, then went grocery shopping, did two loads of laundry, made Kimo’s food, made mac and cheese for Tuesday, and marinated some chicken and some steak and mushrooms for other nights. Tonight will be a salmon salad with lots of grilled veggies. I’m looking forward to that. :p Have a fabulous night everyone! Good to be back. Vacations are nice and all, but there is nothing like coming home.
Hi Cheetahs!

Cathy - Tell your dad not to laugh at you with the running gear because we are serious about what we do. :) I put the message above the mirror in my workout room so that I can see it while I'm working out. It makes me smile to see it. You can get these at Thanks for the info on the buffalo wings. I'll check Wal-Mart the next time I'm there.

Gloria - I loved Fit TV when I first got it. But, I got tired of watchng reruns after a bit. Now, that I can't get it, I don't miss it at all. Love those Morning Star veggie cakes. I made a sandwich with lettuce and tomato and mayo.

Christine - Thanks on my home. Glad you had a safe trip back home. I saw on the news the governor asking people not to use fireworks this year. Glad you had a good time and the back behaved. Nice job on the 31 miles.

Carole - Talk of that smoked salmon has my mouth watering. Good job on the 8 mile run. Glad the smoke wasn't bad. Hope the legs feel better.

Wendy - Glad you made it home safely. Did you have fun? Laughing at you about missing the thread. :) Don't feel bad because I had to look really hard this morning too.

Going to watch some of the olympic trials. Enjoy your evening ladies.

Christine: The bad eating has gotten out of control. I am so glad the holiday is over, regardless how fun it was. We will be partners with this challenge. :) 31 miles!! Great! DH has tomorrow off and he will get my bike down for me. I have been nagging. I tried myself on the ladder, but I am just not strong enough to lift it down. I will think of you when I go out for my first spin. :)

Carole: Ahhh, smoked salmon. I used to buy it and put in a spinach salad for lunch with balsamic vinegrette. So tasty!! You are lucky! I do like Boston. How about The Police and Fleetwood Mac??? Good music. Van Morrison's Gloria is one of my faves. I also like his Brown Eyed Girl. I like Morning Star. I haven't tied Boca Burger of Gardenburger products. The veggie bites they came out with a bit ago are yummy too. I could eat them all in one sitting. Great getting in 8 miles today! :)

Cathy: I was sad when I heard Johnny Cash died. I wore black to school that day! LOL! He is a story teller in his songs and they just make me laugh. Robert Smith is certainly not cute, so I don't know what I was thinking. I have shed many tears in high school listening to Pictures of You. Stupid boys! :eek: I reccomend the southwestern veggie cakes.

Jackie: I hear you on the reruns on fit tv. They really need to do something about that. Maybe I will email them about it. I LOVED "The Gym." Your sandwich sounds tasty! Enjoy the Olympic Trials! :)

I tracked down my old running journal for my 7 mile route. All I can say is OUCH! A lot of the run was on sand. I was hurtin'. I am tired and it will take a lot for me to stay up and watch The Next Food Network Star at 10. I don't think I will make it. DH has the day off tomorrow, so we will be hanging out. I am excited about that. We want to go kayaking, but thunderstorms are forcasted for the whole day, so we may just lay around and watch movies. Have a great night everyone!!! :)

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