Sick with ab work!

I am newly pregnant and I have noticed that when I do ab work I am becoming very nauseated. Have any of you experienced this? I know that I really need to be working this area so if anyone has advice I would love to hear it.

Congreats on your pregnancy. Near the end of my pregnancy, abs made me nauseas. My recommendation, is to watch how soon before you workout that you eat. Try not to eat beforehand, also modify abs to not go back as much and try to do some ab work is a doggy position. The tape fit for 2 preg. workout shows some great modifications that may be easier on your belly.

Shopaholic offered some great advice. I have modified my ab routine by using an incline, so that may be helpful. Also, be sure to stay well hydrated and keep in mind that nausea can be a sign of overexertion. So, maybe you are just overexerting yourself at this time. Fatigue is a common complaint, especially the first trimester.

Here are some general recommendations to alleviate nausea during pregnancy; these may be beneficial to you:
- small frequent meals every 2 hours
- eat a high protein or sweet snack at bedtime
- hard candy, sour candy, peppermint, dry/cereal/toast, crackers before rising
- avoid strong odors, spicy, fatty extreme temperature foods
- eat more protein, B-complex food
- acupressure, those sea bands that were mentioned, biofeedback
- avoid reclining for 30 minutes after eating

Listen to your body and take care!


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