Sick w/a Cold :( Miss you guys!


Hi there. Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I have come down with a nasty cold that just won't go away! It started last week and is getting worse by the day. I am going to go to the Dr. tomorrow and really hope I don't end up on antibiotics. Have any of you had to take them during pregnancy? I have a ton of green discharge (TMI) coming out my nose, sinus etc. so I am really worried it is a true infection:( I guess the Dr. will know best.

Anyway, just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and am so proud of all of you continuing to workout! HOpefully I will be back with you in a week or so. However, right now my health is definitely #1 priority!

Have a great rest of the week!

edd 2/15/04
Categorizing Drugs in Pregnancy

Hey there. The cold must be going around, eh? I feel awful. I did have the flu I know it's not that. I"m trying not to take anything unless I have to.
I"m a pharmacist, so I often have pregnant women ask me what is and isn't safe to take in pregnancy. As you know, it's always best not to take anything while pregnant. We have a way of categorizing medications according to risk to fetus. There are 4 mechanisms of rating drugs: A, B, C, D & X.

Category A: The safest. Does NOT increase risk of malformations. I cannot think of any drugs that are in this category.

Category B: Tylenol is in this category. No studies have shown an increase risk of malformation. I feel good about recommending these drugs to pregos.

Category C: The fuzziest area. Studies have shown in animal studies (or no studies have been done) that there is in an increase risk. Again a fuzzy area. If women are uncomfortable, I recommend taking this medicine short term & limiting the usage.

Category D: Has caused malformations. Do not take unless benefits outweigh risks. I have NEVER recommended this category.


There you go. There are lots of antibiotics that are catergory B & if you need to take one don't feel bad!!! And if you have green discharge you probably have an infection.

Hope you feel better soon.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Categorizing Drugs in Pregnancy

I have had to take antibiotics with ALL 4 of my pregnancies. I get recurring urinary track infections when pregnant and antiobiotics are the only way to get rid of them. I have been on 2-3 rounds with each of my kids and they are all fine.

This time I took them twice due to UTIs. Just make sure if the Dr. prescribing them is not your ob/gyn tell the prescriber you are pregnant and how far along you are.

I have also taken tylenol with all my kids due to severe headaches. At least it took the edge off the pain a little bit.

No need to feel guilty or bad about it.

I hope you feel better really soon. Being sick is the worst esp when you can't take over the counter stuff to help you feel better.
RE: Categorizing Drugs in Pregnancy

Pam...hope you'll be feeling better soon, we're thinking about you and sending prayers!!


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