Shrinking Violets - Thur.9/7/06


Good morning everyone.

Last night I did make it to spin class. It was a new instructor. It is amazing how different each instructor teaches the class. This morning I got up and went for 15 min walk followed by a 45 min jog. The moon was full, the air was a cool 61 degrees which made for a nice run. Hope everyone gets their exercise in.

How is eveyone? I will try to catch up on personals tonight.

Morning Jean.

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Things haven't been going all that well for me lately but hopefully today is the start of a new and better time! I've been keeping up with my workouts though and I started my new running class last night so I am happy about that.

I entered a 5k race on Saturday September 23rd to make up for the one I missed w/my class. I think this class ends with a race too which is cool. I just found that out last night and was very happy to hear it!:)

Yesterday I did RttC before my running class.

Today is some kind of cardio at home.

I started my job on tuesday and it was rough going. I almost quit already!:eek: Hopefully things will go smoothly from here on out though. It really is the perfect job for me so I don't want to have to leave it.

Okay, gotta get movin'!

Good morning Jean and Wendy!

Wendy- I sure hope things start looking up, especially that job! Have a good day! Good for you for doing another race!

Jean- what time did you run? Sounds wonderful. I so wish I could get up early and get out and run, but my body doesn't seem to function then! Good job on the spin class.

I have lower body today!! Probably PLB or L&G. Leaning more towards PLB. Have a great day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]
Good morning ladies,

Jean-i really like spin. i took it yesterday morning.

Wendy-sorry to hear things have been rough lately. hopefully things will change for the better very quickly for you.

meg-good luck with your workout today. i went to the gym yesterday and did lower body. my quads are SCREAMING!!}(

this morning's workout was IMAX 2. i burned 416 was hard to to on sore legs.

good morning to all that follow.
Maeghan, in order for me to get a jog in I usually have to be out before 5. I do get to sleep in a little on Wednesday and Friday. I don’t have an hour commute on those days.

Sunnydelite, great job on the Imax 2. How long have you been doing spin classes. This is my third week. I really like it, but certain body parts are sore depending on the style of riding that the instrutor uses. LOL.

Wendy, hope things settle down for you. What kind of job is it? Is the running class the same one you were taking before or is it diffenent? I’m sure you’ll do great for the race.

Kali, glad you’re enjoying the treadmill. Keep up the good work.

Kim, nice job on the calf burn and the DH compliments. It’s feels great to have someone else notice the changes as we go through them. My DH is a calf man. I still have a way to go get some definition to show him.

Heather, hope everything is going well with you this week.

Hello to everyone else who checks in later.

Hey Jean,Wendy,SD,Maeghan,Kali and others,

I didn't workout again today since I had to go to dd's ball game. But I will start up again tomorrow for sure! I am going to the park to do my running with my son. He agreed surprisingly to go with me so I wouldn't be at the park by myself. I will run and then do some type of weights. I am really looking for the RTTC that I ordered and maybe it will be here to do it!

Thanks for being here girls! It means alot that there are people here to hear you out. I am hoping to have a better week after this crazy one! I need to clean up my eating habits and get a consistent workout going. Thanks for being here when I need to vent.

Okay tomorrow is my day to start shrinking!:)

You girls have a good night!:)


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