Shout Out to Any Road Trippers from Connecticut !!!


If anyone is from CT and wants to go, let's get in touch with each other and work out the details. I have an 8-passenger SUV and while we probably do NOT want to put that many of us in the SUV (luggage and comfort-wise) I will consider taking passengers!!

FYI - My SUV has a DVD player so we can even watch CATHE while we travel to her!!

Can you tell I'm excited?? You guys are gonna wanna send me a cyber "slap" to calm me down!!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Kim, Just Curious what part of Connecticut are you from? I lived there all my life until about four years ago. I moved to Albany,NY area and still travel to Connecticut every weekend. I was in Northern CT. I just read about the road trip, and have a few obstacles, so I don't even know if I would go, but WOULD I LOVE TOO!
Take Care!
Hi Kim,

I'm so excited about this road trip! I'm from Stamford, CT. Where abouts CT are you from? I started working out with Cathe since the Hardcore Series so I'm quite new and I'll definately have to brush up on my step - I just mastered Low Max but this road trip will definately encourage me to get on the ball and master Imax 3. Your idea about driving up is awesome. I would love to join you!
I'm looking forward to finding out more details, I'll be glued to my computer these next few days.

Hi Carolyn, Monika & Christine ~

I live in beautiful Litchfield county (the northwest corner of CT). Right now, I'm in Torrington BUT we're selling our house (just bought one in Northfield which is a very tiny town nestled between Litchfield and Thomaston).

My husband has gone on motorcycle and snowmobile trips "with the guys" for years and he always told my pouting face "You can go away for a weekend, too, anytime you want." Well, just so happens that until this road trip came along, there's been no where I've wanted to go for a weekend without him!

So I very excitedly told him about the plans I was making for the weekend of July 15, 16, 17 to which he replies, I think the closing (on the new house) might be scheduled for that week. NOOOOOO!!!! The plan was to close the last week of June and move in the first week of July. The closing date is still tentative, of course, but now I'm on pins and needles! I really, REALLY want to go to NJ!! Even if we close the week before THE BIG WEEKEND, I told him, "That's fine! Move in without me! You don't need me to move boxes into the house. I'll unpack when I get back Sunday night." I hope we find out something definitive this weekend because the sign up starts on Monday!

I'm glad to meet you all and will keep you posted on my schedule. Hopefully, everything will fall into place...I'll get to meet all my fellow Catheites, Cathe herself, and move into my new beautiful, home all in the same weekend!

Have a great day!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Kim,
My name is Susan and I live in CT. I would Love, Love, Love, to go!
Can I email you???? I am a HUGE Cathe Fan.

I live in Oxford CT and I really really want to go on this trip but I don't know how I'm going to swing it. I'll be just getting back from a two week family vacation and it's also my little girl's birthday. I travel to NJ all the time because I have family at the shore. I'm going to run it by my DH to see what he thinks. He knows how much I love Cathe, so maybe he'll give me his blessing!

Anyway, it's nice to know there are some Cathe fans in my neck of the woods!
>So I very excitedly told him about the plans I was making for
>the weekend of July 15, 16, 17 to which he replies, I think
>the closing (on the new house) might be scheduled for that
>week. NOOOOOO!!!!

EH, get your closing attorney to close Thursday night and hold in escrow for the "real" closing date. The bank will get them the docs if they really want your business!!! Tell them that you have to visit "Aunt Cathe" in NJ!
Hi Kim, I know where Litchfield Ct is, I used to go horseback riding there when I was young and visiting my Grandmother in Kent. Beautiful area! I was from Somers, in Tolland county, a good hour or more from you. I really hope your closing works out so you can go. I think every birthday party, vacation plan, and important event is scheduled for that week! And geez, the only one I care about is Cathe....
Good Luck
Hi Carolyn ~

I know what you mean about everyone's calendar having an important occasion scheduled the same weekend as our very, most important meeting with Cathe! I just found out last night that my daughter is going to a convention that weekend, too! I don't know if I can (with a clear conscience) leave my husband (w/ my two dogs and two cats) to move us that weekend. My sister and brother-in-law are leaving for vacation that Friday so there goes some more of our help. I feel my Cathe weekend slipping away!

I'm getting warm fuzzies meeting "neighbors" on this site. Very cool!

Have a great Sunday and if you're a mom, "Happy Mother's Day!"

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Kim, Doesn't it suck when we have to listen to our conscience! Ha ha. Those decisions are always the hardest, for one minute your like, I can make this work, I can, then REALITY hits. It was nice to meet you though. Hope your Mothers' day was great! And I'll keep my fingers crossed for the next Road Trip. Hey, maybe Cathe will get such a huge response that she'll schedule TWO weekends in July!
Good Luck with your closing

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