Shoulder Instability


Has anyone had this problem? And if so, did you have to have surgery or was physical therapy sufficient? I just went to my doc today and she is sending me to an Ortho doc. It's kind of weird...anyone experienced this?
Hi. I rarely post, just read usually. I wondered what type of shoulder instability you are refering to? I have dislocated my right shoulder several times in the past. I know for me working the shoulder muscles with weights VERY carefully over the last several years has, I believe, helped to stabilize my shoulder as I haven't had any recent dislocations. I don't know if this is your problem, but maybe some food for thought. Good luck with the Dr. appt.
I agree with DianeD

My shoulder instability is or was that my I could not lift my left arm higher than my shoulder level at all no pain. Weightlifting helped a lot I can now left my arm up above my head. Its still a bit sticky and tires easier than my right.

Not sure if this is what you mean.

I don't know if this will help, but I've injured both of my shoulders on seperate occasions by doing incline bench presses. I could not lift my arm straight out in front of me above shoulder level without major pain. On both occasions a cortizone shot in the shoulder fixed it right up. I no longer do incline bench presses, just bench presses laying on the floor so my elbow is not in danger of going below parallel. Maybe you have an injury and not an instability?
Thanks to all of you for responding. My doctor thinks I have shoulder instability because you can feel grinding in my shoulder and it's very weak. I did some research on this and it said that the instability is caused by the tendons being stretched; therefore, making it hard for the shoulder to remain 'stable'. According the website, they generally either recommend physical therarpy and a surgery where they go on and use heat to shrink the tendons back in place. I have an appt. with an orthopedic (sp?) next Tuesday, so I should no more then. Thanks again for responding.

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