Should I go home sick?

Should I go home sick?

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I'm here at work (obviously not doing much work - heh heh) and I'm feeling crappier and crappier as the day goes on. I've got a cold and I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode any minute now. Gross stuff is pouring out of my nose. When I talk, I sound like a frog. Or a duck. I'm not sure.

So, should I stay or should I go???
Go home, Evily! You'll feel better and all those around you will be happy to not have to spray you with Lysol everytime you get near them;)
Michele, I like the way you think. ;)

Shelley, no one has sprayed me with Lysol, as of yet. But if Angie were here, I'm sure she would be. :p
Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! And if I gotta Lysol, I gotta Lysol.

Poang is calling!!!! He said "come on over!" ;)

go home! i hate when sick people come to work and spread their sick germs! besides.. you'll "feel better" at home than at work!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I have a horrible cold too and actually took a rest day which I haven't done probably in about 4 months, so If I have to take a rest day you should go home. It sounds like you are miserable. Go home and watch Oprah and I hope you feel better.

I vote for going home but conditions apply:D

If you really think you are contagious, then it is obvious, don't share that crud! No one wants that nonsense.

If you are just feeling poopy, and are bored out of your mind, I would probably stay but then again....go home;-)

I highly recommend sipping on EmergenC from here on home!
Alright everyone, thanks for your input! I am now at home, in my comfy Poang chair, sipping green tea and realizing that we are dangerously low on Kleenex. Time to call DH and make sure he gets some more Kleenex on the way home from work!
If I were your manager I would boot your tail outta there. If you're just coming down with something you're at your most contagious and I would not want you in my office to contaminate your coworkers.

Besides, I know how I am when I'm feeling crappy. The last thing I want to do is work. I kind of sit in a funk and mutter bad things under my breath. If you are not being productive at work - what's the point in being there (as I answer your post from my office computer).
I thought this WebMD article ( on when to stay at work vs. when to go home was really good. I usually fall on the side of "go home" if I am not up to snuff. If I don't feel well and make a mistake, it could mean doing damage to someone's computer. Data loss is no fun.

I have a husband that suffers from "presentee-ism" so I forwarded it to him. Nobody wants your cooties--stay home! :)

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