Should I buy the Timesaver DVD if I already have the BB...


Active Member
Is it worth it to get the Timesaver DVD for the convenience of those shorter workouts? I don't have a multi-disk DVD, and I am definitely pressed for time! Is it too similar to the BB DVDs?
RE: Should I buy the Timesaver DVD if I already have th...

I know some people love this DVD, but I personally rarely use it. If you already have the Body Blast Series, then in my experience, you don't really need it. With the BB premixes you can kind of make your own Timesaver workouts. There is a bit of weight work on the Timesaver that you won't find on the BB DVDs, but all the cardio and most of the weights are taken directly from the BB workouts. I'm still planning on putting together a rotation that uses Timesaver, but so far, when I'm pressed for time, I just use the Body Blast premixes (or CTX).

Take Care,
I agree with Shelbygirl. I have the whole series plus the Timesaver, and rarely use the Timesaver. The full dvds have plenty of shortened premixes, and it is so easy to make your own, as well. The only time I use the Timesaver is to create my own cardio blend with sections of KPC and SB.

I have the Timesaver and use it quite often. Not so much as short workouts but I do all of the ab segments together. Sometimes I will do a cardio workout from this as an add on to another cardio workout. I also sometimes will add on a weight segment, which is where the new stuff is, to another weight workout. Like when I do SS I sometimes will add on the weights for the triceps and back to get a little more work in this area.
Diane Sue
Well, I have the entire series and the timesaver.

Do you need the timesaver if you have the entire series? No. On the other hand, I do use it - I like the leg workout - it's an abreviated legs/glutes workout - infact, I had to play the entire Legs/glutes to figure out what exercises Cathe left out.

I also like the additional timesaver only extra exercises - sometimes I'll just do all the upper body work and add these on. It's not a necessity but if you can afford it, it is good. You can mix and match and don't have to keep changing DVDs.
I have Timesaver and the whole series as well and I use Timesaver quite a bit.... I do a Timesaver rotation once very four weeks or so and then go back to the longer workouts the other weeks... I have CTX also, but Timesaver, which I think is a little easier, is more at my fitness level right now and has much less high impact.

As a previous poster said there are some exclusive Timesaver exercises that are not on the Body Blast series themselves... not many but there are some and they are pretty intense... I think the pushups on Timesaver Workout number 1 are the hardest I have ever done.

So, it just depends on what you think you would use it for. I actually bought Timesaver before I bought the whole BB series and it was Timesaver that convinced me to get the series... which I love as well.

I am glad I have it...
katiegr - I forgot about those pushups on timesaver - I agree, they are tough.

I actually used the timesaver DVD yest. as my workout - I did the intermediate cardio drill from KPC, then the ab work from SJP and then all the rest of the ab work on the DVD - It was the stability ball work from Superset and the added footage -stability ball.

It was convenient not to have to switch dvds.
RE: Should I buy the Timesaver DVD if I already have th...

>Well, I have the entire series and the timesaver.
>Do you need the timesaver if you have the entire series? No.
>On the other hand, I do use it - I like the leg workout - it's
>an abreviated legs/glutes workout - infact, I had to play the
>entire Legs/glutes to figure out what exercises Cathe left
>I also like the additional timesaver only extra exercises -
>sometimes I'll just do all the upper body work and add these
>on. It's not a necessity but if you can afford it, it is
>good. You can mix and match and don't have to keep changing

I could have written this post. Sometimes I am short on time and very tired. It is easy for me to just slip one of these workouts in the place of a planned workout.

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