Shoes for working out on carpet


Hi Cathe and everyone. I need help finding a shoe that will work well when working out on carpet. I have been doing all my Cathe workouts in my running shoes and the tread is so heavy that it's starting to take it's toll on my knees. Is there another brand or type of shoe that I can wear that will make it easier to move around on carpet that's not going to be so hard on my knees?

Thanks for your input.

Turning moves on carpet will hurt your knees no matter what shoe you are wearing. When I have to work on carpet I don't do any turning, or very minimal being sure to hop the turn and unweight my foot.

Aerobics shoes don't have the road tread that runners have. You might try a good pair of studio shoes. You might also want to try getting some puzzle mat to put over your carpet for workouts. I use both, good shoes and puzzle mat. The mat is easy to turn on and provides cushion for impact. Take care of your knees! You will need them later.

Oh, and sorry, your message was posted to cathe and I'm not cathe. ;-)
Not Cathe either but here's what I do....
I workout on carpet also and have learned to modify a lot of moves to prevent too much torque on my knees. As fun as doing triples around the board are in some step routines I substitute an over face in over and am right where I need to be when the move is completed. When Cathe does a knee up and two triples around I do 2 knees and a hitch kick over and again am right where I need to be.
Modifying kickboxing is a bit more tricky and demands attention to meticulous form or again, too much torque could occur, Cathe cues to have your heel facing the direction of the kick which is very helpful.

Take Care
It may depend on the type of carpet you have as well.

I workout on carpet with my Ryka's (studio type) and do not have a problem with my knees even though I do the pivoting moves. Those shoes have zero traction on the bottom (very smooth). Of course, I realized this the hard way by wearing them outside one day and slipping on wet pavement!

I think I am also careful on the pivoting to make sure I'm not grinding my foot into the carpet. I'm not sure how to explain it except to say that I'm "light" on my pivoting foot. So I don't really have all my weight on it and I'm normally more up on my toe.

I'm showing my ignorance here, but what is a puzzle mat, where do you get it, & what does it cost?

Hi Deanna, Puzzlemat is just interlocking foam/rubber type of squares. They are usually 2 foot squares with edges that fit together. You can get them several places... Walmart or Target in the sporting sections, or I've heard other places too like Home Depot.
I read somewhere that you can also apply some duct tape to the front half of the sole of your shoe. I haven't tried this myself.

I feel I need to write a disclaimer here -- do this at your own risk!

But it sounded like a good idea.

I had this problem as well - and now I no longer wear shoes when I work out. There was a long thread on this subject on the YaYa board. I was surprised by the number of people who worked out without shoes (I do wear socks when stepping). I decided to give it a try and haven't gone back to shoes. I haven't had any problems so far.
I have to throw in a plug for Freddy shoes. I just started a thread about how much I LOVE them! They have a split sole like dancesneakers and would probably do quite well on carpet. I guess I can plug the puzzle mats, too as I have and love them, too! LOL
Karen :)

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