Shin splint??


I think that I have them. I am not sure, but I have had an ache in my lower legs. It feels like the bone is aching. I looked up shin splints on the internets after I did a Cathe workout where she said tapping the foot was good for shin splints. Any body else have this and have any suggestions? I don't think mine are too bad they only bother me occasionally, but they really do hurt. Thanks for any suggestions.
sounds exactly like shin splints. it will go away eventually. usually happens when you start a new exercise or routine. really common for new runners. the bones and connective tissues have to strengthen and get used to the activity. just take some recovery time and ease back a bit. evenutally the muscles and tissues strengthen and the pain willl disappear.

at the end of push/pull there's a great move with the stability ball. you sit on your high step and place the ball on top of your shoelaces, pull up with your feet as you push your hands into the ball. cathe says they are great for shin splints and even better for preventing them.
Thanks. I believe that is the workout where I heard her mention them. I have found that the last week or so I don't have the pain as much. Thanks again.

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