SHEILA: Level of exercise


I am very active, I run 6 miles three to four times a week and do step aerobics or stairmaster the other days. I also do strength training about 3 times a week. I am 37 years old (on May 5th) and am 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. Last week, I had some minor spotting that lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Scared me to death. I did go to the dr. and had an ultrasound and he saw the embryo's heart beating so everything appears to be OK. I asked him if I should reduce my activity level and he said no. I am taking at least a week off because I am scared to work out. I have tried to find out information on spotting during pregnancy and my conclusion is that nobody really knows why it happens. Spotting is normal at the time you are supposed to get your period, but my spotting occurred a few weeks later than that. I know you are not a dr. Sheila, but do you think I should resume my workout regime? Any advice is appreciated.
Just my opinion

I think you are right to take a week off. I lost my last baby and am taking it VERY easy with my workouts while trying to get preggo even though every one says exercise is in no way linked. It may just be better for the mind. I did spot a little with my first baby and he is a rambunctious boy now! Hope it all works out.
Similar Experience

Although you specifically asked Sheila about this, I just wanted to share with you a similar situation. I was about 11 weeks into my pregnancy and spotted for around 12 hours one day. I called the doctor and he advised that I stop all activity that day and literally prop my feet up in the air and relax for the remainder of the day. Then he said that as long as there was no spotting the next day that I could do light activities. If after the light day there was still no spotting, I could resume my normal level of activity at my usual intensity. If the spotting didn't stop, he wanted me to come to the office. Well, it stopped that night and never returned again. Just thought I would share my experience with you for some insight. Please do not take this as a suggestion as to what YOU should do. You obviously need to do what you are most comfortable with.
me too

Hi, I had spotting with two of my pregnancies, both time it occurred when I was about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, about two weeks after "normal" period-time spotting would've occurred, just like you have mentioned. Both pregnancies were fine. I can't speak to the exercise issue, my only exercise in my early months was was mental, as I said to myself "I will not throw up. I will not throw up. I will not throw up." :) :) :) You have already done what any of us would've advised, which is talking to your doctor. If you want to be more conservative in this area than he is, follow your heart!! I'm sure Sheila will be able to give you some professional reassurance.
me too

I had this happen when I was 6 weeks pregnant with my third child. I started to spot after doing step. I was told to rest immediately and also had an ultrasound as well as a pelvic exam:( The doctor found out that I had a small cyst that was aggravated by pregnancy hormones and grew larger and broke off. He advised me to only do low impact exercise.
Three months ago I gave birth to a healthy 6 10 boy who is now working out my biceps and triceps at 15lbs plus!

Listen to your doctor. Its better to be safe than sorry!
Spotting and exercise

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-20-00 AT 02:25PM (EST)</font></center>

Hope that you have not had any more spotting since you posted on the forum. I agree with Cathe. No matter what your OB says regarding the resumption of your exercise program, you have to "follow your heart" when it comes to exercise when you are faced with a decision like this. I would tend to err on the side of caution and not return to exercise until the spotting had completely gone away and then I would resume gradually. Yes, some spotting is normal during the first trimester, but you always want to get it checked out by contacting your caregiver immediately. It could indicate a problem or be nothing to worry about. Regardless of the issue of inevitability of the outcome, ceasing your more vigorous activities will allow you to know in your heart (not mind) that you did everything that you possibly could to avoid it. Guilt will not be an issue. Let me reiterate, that with more typical routine spotting which could signal miscarriage, whether to continue to exercise or not will have no effect on a miscarriage.

More drastic "bloody show" of course would require the cessation of any exercise activity.
Thanks everybody

Thank you all so much for your input. I have not had any more spotting. I did stop exercising for a week and just started up again, but at a much lower level of intensity. I will keep you posted on my progress!

This is a very exciting pregnancy for my husband and I. After our second child was born, my husband had a vasectomy. When our kids were 3 and 5, we were longing for a third. He had vasectomy reversal surgery last June. It takes about 6 months for the sperm to get moving again. My husband never did check to find out if there were sperm present though. We were just going to try until I was 38. It took 10 months for me to get pregnant (one month before I turned 37!) We are elated!

So happy for you and your husband on #3!! What a miracle!!
aaaaww, shucks!!

Your story just WARMS MY HEART! Congratulations! Gee, my honey and I have three and they are 8, almost 5, and almost 3. I had my tubes tied after #3 but sure would love to have a #4!! Hmmmmmm. . . . Maybe *I* should have a reversal. . . .

(actually, there are reasons why I really can't/shouldn't do that, but your story made me go all soft inside! Thanks for sharing it!! I am very happy for you. Go buy a minivan, hehe!)

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