I am very active, I run 6 miles three to four times a week and do step aerobics or stairmaster the other days. I also do strength training about 3 times a week. I am 37 years old (on May 5th) and am 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. Last week, I had some minor spotting that lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Scared me to death. I did go to the dr. and had an ultrasound and he saw the embryo's heart beating so everything appears to be OK. I asked him if I should reduce my activity level and he said no. I am taking at least a week off because I am scared to work out. I have tried to find out information on spotting during pregnancy and my conclusion is that nobody really knows why it happens. Spotting is normal at the time you are supposed to get your period, but my spotting occurred a few weeks later than that. I know you are not a dr. Sheila, but do you think I should resume my workout regime? Any advice is appreciated.