

..another moment of JOY!!! I just came up from doing MIC for the first time in about a half a year or so. I am sooo proud, I could pat myself on the back! I have always been able to do the whole tape at one time but not without gasping for some FREE air! Just to let you all know, I went right thru both sections and that killer blast section at the end and was breathing half normal! Woo-Hoo! I truly think that adding IMax to my rotation 1X/week for the past months has kicked my endurance level up so much. What a great feeling. AND...I forgot how much fun the whole tape is. (Another great plus!) So, you fellow Cathe-ites, if it's been a while since you did this tape, it might just surprise you how much more conditioned you are after following Cathe's tapes. Ya-Hoooooo!!! (Only YOU all would understand my BRAGGING! ;-))

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You must be in great shape... I have never even attempted the entire MIC tape out of fear ( I split them into two workouts), even though I do try to do Imax once a week. You've motivated me to give it a shot!!
Yay Debbie!

Wow, Debbie! That is a terrific feeling, I bet! I noticed you posted that MIS was easier for you too...I know the feeling on that one! I did MIS last night and was surprised at how un-shaky I was afterwards, even with having upped my weights ... :-jumpy
I can't join you on the MIC accomplishment, but it sure is great to not be wiped by a Cathe tape, isn't it???!!!

Good for you :)!!
This is one of her tougher tapes, right up there with Circuit Max. That and bulging biceps, too! ;-)
Thanks, you guys!

I did surprise myself! I'm surely not saying it was a "walk in the park", but it sure was easier then it used to be! Yes, Wendy, MIS also was easier the last two weeks I did it. I think S&H really helped with my improvement of that tape. Those lunges off the step backwards get me every time though. Whew, hubby and I were both huffing & puffing after those.:-tired You are right though, there is no such thing as an easy Cathe. Finishing any of her tapes is a true accomplishment. Cari~give both sections a try. Maybe, don't put 100% into the whole tape. Pace yourself so you can make it to the end. When you get to that final blast at the end of the tape, you'll be feeling reeeeally goood! Let me know how you do. Hey, HB! I might just have to drag out CircuitMax. (another tape I haven't done in months)There are just not enough days to do all the tapes Iwant to do, especially with doing my classes too. It's nice only doing 2 for the Summer~Gives me more "Cathe-time"! :7 Thanks for letting me share with you all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thanks, you guys!

That's why I love the CTX tapes....there's always time for one of those. I'm doing them for my first Cathe fix in several week(along with your routines!)

FYI - I took an oral PT "test" at the Y last night, and I'm going to shadow a trainer or two, THEN they are going to let me loose to actually train a client! I have really jumped into the deep end of the pool, but that's how you learn, right?

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