Shaklee-another success story.


Hi everybody:

I just wanted to put my plug in, too, for the Shaklee vitamins.

After reading a thread here on these vitamins a few weeks ago I decided to give them a try. I never felt quite right and knew I 'must' be missing something in my diet. Well, I ordered the basic start kit. I have to admit at first I didn't see much of a change, I was recovering from a summer cold and didn't think they were doing much for me.

WELL..............yesterday I was running late in the morning and forgot to take them all day. (I've been using them religiously for about two-three weeks now.) I was soooooo tired, I almost fell asleep on my computer during the afternoon especially. It really never dawned on me until I took them this morning that that was probably the reason. I took them this morning with breakfast and am back to my old self with LOTS of energy to spare.

My body is very thankful to have the right combination back again. :)

Thank you Shaklee!!!

P.S. Hey Robin, I'm DEFINITELY reordering soon! ;)

Hey Marcia! I'm so glad things are going well for you! That does occasionally come up...that people don't think they notice a difference, and then they go off of them...and THEN they notice that they were benefiting from them.

**And Timber...we did a pretty long discussion into these vitamins a while ago. I'll paste a link here to that discussion:

Also, there was a results post if you are interested in reading that. Here is the link to that post:

I also read the thread and went ahead and ordered the Daily Vitamin Strip pack, the Alfafa and the Cal-Mag supplement. I didn't feel any different after taking the Daily Vitamin Strip (which is nothing bad at all), but after I started Alfafa, I started getting a headache everyday. Have you come across anyone who has the same problem before ?

Thanks !
Hey pooh!

Ok, I have a couple of questions for you:

1) Did you start the Basics the same time you started the Alfalfa??? or did you start them at different times so you know that it is definately the Alfalfa??

2) The alfalfa does contain chlorophyll (which is a natural anti-histamine - that's why it works well for allergies), but more importantly it a body cleanser & detoxifier.
My guess is you between the Basics and the Alfalfa, you may be detoxing, and that will cause a headache.
How many are you taking and when are you taking them???
Are you taking them with food???

Email me personally at [email protected], and I'll send you a document that is by a doctor/researcher within Shaklee. He talks about the detoxing process that happens with some people. He can say it much better than I can.
Did you feel that tired all the time before you started taking them? I am just wondering because I wouldn't want to become dependent on a vitamin to feel energetic. Don't take this the wrong way. I was just thinking of ordering them, but if they are going to make me feel groggy if I forget to take them, I wouldn't be interested.
No, I wasn't tired or worn down or anything before I started taking them. I am going to hit 30 this year, and I thought I better start taking good care of myself, that's why I started the supplements. I have been taking the Centrum A to Z multi-vit before this, so I am not new to vitamins.
Sorry Pooh, I was actually directing that question to Marsha because she said how tired she felt when she didn't take.
I have been taking them for about 3 weeks now and I have noticed that I am able to stay awake longer at night, I was always ready for bed by 8pm. But I have also been having a real hard time sleeping at night and I am having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, but once I get up I feel okay. But since I have been so tired in the morning it is effecting me getting up to workout because I don't want to.

Hi Caren:

I'm not dependent on these by any means, but I do have more energy when I take them. I, too, can make it longer in the evening. I used to never be able to make it much past 8:30pm, but now I can actually stay up until 10pm. :)

I LOVED ephedra when it was out and these are nothing like that.


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