Sept Rotation check-in


Good morning fellow rotaters!(did I spell that right)
I am up and ready to start this rotation! But I am alittle sore from yesterdays workout.I did PS Legs,Imax2 AND 14km run.I really shouldn't be doing this run today b/c my knee is sore but I think it hurts more when you walk then when you run.
I am really hoping that I will finish this rotation.I have a wedding in Oct and I would love to have 5-8 lbs gone.With a sensible diet and some good exercise, I should be alright.And if nothing else works, I would love to get the diffention back in my arms.
Anyway,looking forward to check-in with you.Everyone have a good week!
You are an animal!!! Holy Cow, that was a lot of exercise yesterday no wonder you are sore! :) Good for you.

I'm ready for this rotation, too. I was very faithful with the July rotation, but August was so darn busy I was lucky to fit exercise in whenever possible so I wasn't quite as faithful. But, I'm up and definitely ready for the challenge today! :)

Happy exercising gang. :) Marcia
I'm sure I'll get slammed by someone for this, but I just have to jump in here and say that you may very well be heading for injury.
I have noticed in many of your posts that you talk about your knee or ankle hurting, but that you are just going to work through it. That just isn't a good idea. What you did yesterday sounds like exercise overkill to me. I know it feels good to go all out like that, and I used to do it myself. Now I can't, because Cathe killed my knees. (Actually, I killed my knees trying to live up to what other people were posting!)
I hope you will think about the fact that if you overuse your body now, in a few years you may be hobbling around. It is just not worth it to lose that 5-8 pounds or have definition in your arms. Your knee is hurting. As Cathe says, "listen to your body". Take a few days off. Write it down when you are feeling an injury, and see if you notice that you have overdone it in the days preceeding the soreness. You'll be able to see what caused the pain, and you can then adjust so you won't do it again.

I know you didn't ask for my advice. I can't hold my tongue anymore.

Good luck,
Hi Lori,

Just my two cents, I agree with Wendyloo that you should take a rest day if your body is needing one. That sounds like one killer workout yesterday}( . If you want to work on arm definiton, maybe you could do CTX upper body today instead of the run.

I don't run as my knees will not tolerate it so this morning I did a Christi Taylor floor aerobics workout and man, did I get sweaty. It seems the more I work out with Cathe the harder I work during videos with other instructors. I was huffin' and puffin' and just a big ol' mess! But it felt good after yesterday, which was a rest day. It's strange because I covet the rest days and yet when they come feel guilty, like I should be working out anyway.

I did the whole August rotation and feel great. My cardio capacity is up and I noticed an overall slimming of my whole body. Got some more definition in my legs and my arms are starting to get some cuts and ripples too. I'm hoping the September rotation will continue this gains:7 .

Everyone has a terrific Labor Day.
Hello everyone! I began the September rotation today also. I am switching the cardio around due to the fact that I do not own MIC and it is too hot and muggy to take up running outside and I don't have access to a treadmill. I am in the process of trading for MIC and I hope to have it next week. I also have to substitue ME for PH as I do not own PH. Today I did Imax 1(WU and Intervals 1-5) and Imax 2(intervals 6-10,CD, & stretch). Tomorrow I plan on doing ME. Next week in place of the Imax workouts I hope to do MIC if it arrives in time! I hope everyone is having a great long weekend! Back to school for me tomorrow!:7
Thats o.k wendy, your only reminding me of what I know myself.
My knee was bad on Thursday, so yesterday was my first day back at it.I did take a couple of days off and my knee felt better.I did Imax 2 yesterday and I was fine and I didn't plan on going for a run.But I have this new workout buddy and I am one of those people who can't say no.Exspecially to people I don't know very well.
She called me yesterday and wanted to know if I wanted to run later.My knee didn't hurt right away but by the time I got home it was feeling a little funny.Still not as bad as Thursday though.
I tried it again today,(i knew I should have stayed home)in the meantime she felt crappy and my knee was hurting so we just ended up walking.I think I will take a break from running for a few days.I normally don't have many problems so I don't think that I have posted it that much.
My ankles hurt more with aerobics then my knees.I haven't had many problems with either one of them latley.Earlier in the summer I had a bad foot , but thats the last injury that I can recall.
Thanks for your concern, but no need to worry.I normally listen to my body but I think we all try to push it to far sometimes.I guess that was what I tried to do today.Hopefully my knee will be able to handle PH tomorrow, or I won't be doing well on this rotation.

Me, too ... As one of the more "mature" veterans around here (I'm 48 and have been doing Cathe tapes almost exclusively since 1996) and one who has twingy, creaky knees, I really feel a need to chime in and agree with Wendyloo.

Lori, there have been way too many times in the past when I have, frankly, left my common sense and inner voice at the door, ignoring them in my desire to keep up with Forum members or my desire to do a "scheduled" Cathe workout. I would work gingerly but determinedly on sore knees, and end up paying for it by not being able to do ANY impact work for a couple of weeks. I'm not doing that anymore, but the price I'm permanently paying for having been kinda bull-headed is that I can't run, I can't comfortably play tennis or anything like that which calls upon a lot of lateral knee movement, I can't do leg strength work with a heavy-enough barbell so it's tough to challenge my legs, and I can't do really high impact like hi-lo aerobics or high-propulsion step more than once or twice a week. Believe me, if I had it to do over again, I'd have been pampering my knees for the last five years instead of the last year.

I'd love to see you proceeding more cautiously than I did, Lori, and take better care of your knee. Wendyloo's right, I think, in suggesting that yesterday's workout was dangerously close to overkill, especially because your knee is sending out warning signals. Please listen to your body, as our guru says.

You know, it's obvious that you're already in phenomenal shape, and really, 5 to 8 pounds is not a lot of weight to lose. I would LOVE it if, between now and that wedding in October, instead of focusing on losing 5 to 8 pounds you would just relax and give yourself permission to ignore the number on the scale, eat sensibly, rest, drink lots of water and exercise sensibly (perhaps with a little focus on endurance weight work, which it seems often helps Forum members achieve that "cut" upper body look -- like Marlene's famous Tank Top Rotation).

I hope none of this offends you -- my intention really and truly is only to encourage you NOT to make the mistake I made and am paying for with my crummy knees. I hope you'll take my comments in that spirit.

By the way, I am doing the September rotation and am substituting time on my knee-friendly elliptical trainer wherever Cathe suggests a run. Just my two cents' worth, in case you happen to have a bike or elliptical available to sub in for some of that ultra-high impact work. Kathy S.
I know you only have the best intentions but really I KNOW how to listen to my body.I started running today,it didn't feel right so I walked.I have no problem with letting a injury heal before I hit the road again.I can lift weights,or do something else that has no strain on my knees.
I use to workout alot more then I do now, and trust me,it doesn't take much persuading for me not to do anything.I had a bad foot earlier in the summer,I know now that rest is what makes it completely better.If that is what I have to do then I will do it.
All I can say is thanks for your concern, I really appreciate it,thats why I come here 10 times a day.But I really know how to handle it.I am not a lover of pain and I can't fake that I am not hurting.If something hurts then I don't do it...thats why I hate static lunges..:+ Oh, but we are talking about a different kind of pain aren't we?:7 I think you guys are reading into this way to much.Don't worry about me...I 'll be A o.k in no time.
Instead,I didn't do anything.I just WOULD NOT do them.I always felt like I was gonna fall over and then my toes would just be jammed up in the tops of my shoes.
I have started doing them though.BUT the thing that made me start was PLB & S&H,b/c I know I only have a few sets to do.BOth of these videos I knew what to expect .When I get into the other videos, like PH and ME, where you have all of these low ends, thats when the mean lori comes out.I HATE those.Depends on what kind of day I am having.If I feel like I can do them I will,if I don't want to then I wont.
Your best bet is to do the two videos I mentioned, if you hate doing them as much as I do.
I just finished doing Muscle Endurance(instead of Power Hour...I don't have that one). I can't seem to move past a 30lb. BB for those squats. right before the low ends I think to myself...I need to go heavier next time...just 5 pounds heavier...then the low ends come and my legs begin to scream and shake and totally rebel and I think...we'll keep 30 for a while longer...umm...maybe the rest of my working out days! Have a great day everyone I'm off to shower and head out the door to work. My first bus arrives at school around 7:15...where did my summer go? Later!:D
Hi Lori! I'm not a runner so substituted Rythmic Step for Monday's sprints & run. Today's Tues. so I did Power Hour. I'm nervous about doing MIC in its entirety b/c I haven't done this for so long I'm not sure I'll be able to do the whole thing. Well I'm gonna go for it though. Wish me luck ladies! Kathy
Hi everyone,
Well, my knee is ALOT better today but don't fear, I am not going to do any high impact cardio yet.But I did do PH.I was a little worried first b/c I didn't know if my knee could handle all that squating but it worked out great.It didn't hurt my knee at all, but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt anything.
I had an awesome workout,once again, I skipped the static lunges b/c I wasn't in the mood for them.I certainly gave my upper body an awesome workout as well.How is everyone else doing?
I just finished Imax 2 Intervals 1-5 and Imax 1 Intervals 6-10...whew! If that doesn't wake you up nothing will!:eek: I find that since I'm not focusing so much on strength this week that my legs have more energy for all the high intensity cardio. I will do ME again tomorrow in place of PH. Have a good rest of the week everyone! I hope more people join in our check-in.:)
Hi Ladies,
KathyH, I am sure you can substitute wherever you like.My knee was bad earlier in the week so I don't think I am going to do MIC today.It could be to much cardio.As long as you are doing something along the same lines you should be fine.
Well, my legs are really sore from PH yesterday.I like being sore though,it always gives me a sense of accomplishment.My upper body(surprisingly)isn't sore.I went to bed early last night but I woke up with a headache! There is nothing worse.Hopefully,coffee,water, and some tylenol will make it disappear.Hope everyone has a good day.
RE: still checking in

Good morning ladies,
How are you guys doing? Everything with me is go'in pretty good:) I have followed everything to date,which is good for me.Although I didn't do MIC yesterday.I have to really be in the mood to do that one.Instead I did Step and Intervals in the morning and I did the chest work again.I have to work two jobs today so I am not sure where or how I will fit PH into my day.I may have to save it for tomorrow.But if I get time in the evening,I am going to go for a run.My knee doesn't hurt anymore, so there is only one thing to do.
It was weird b/c my massage therapist explained it to me.When we run our legs get tight, and we need to stretch really good before and after.If not, the quads pull the muscles around and in under the knee cap and then the front of our legs do the same,but in a different direction.And that me friends, are where sore knees come from.Or so she says.Sounded like a good answer:7 Hope everyone has a good day.
RE: still checking in

I'm having trouble getting started this morning. It is 4:30. I am about to do ME. I would love to still be sleeping.:(

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