Separated Pelvic



I suffered a separation of the pelvic in '98 while delivering my baby. I basically healed myself with the help of yoga. Every now and then I do feel some discomfort if I sustain a sitting pose too long, i.e. legs crossed or even sitting on the floor. I'd like to have a second child but the thought of the possibility of separating my pelvic again brings tears to my eyes. What can I do to either prevent, or prepare my body more for the delivery. During my pregnancy, I was completely active. I exercised up until 2 hrs prior to my first contraction. That's how I knew the pain was not "the trauma of delivering" as my Dr. suggested. BTW, my baby arrived 'face' first, OUCH!
Hi Merie!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-00 AT 03:06PM (Est)[/font][p]You might want to post this question on the FitMoms Pregnancy Forum and maybe Sheila can help you or give you some suggestions. Good Luck!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH

I am so sorry. Please disregard my message up above! YOU ARE ON THE PREGNANCY FORUM!! Guess I was sleeping! :-sleepy!!! Again, Good Luck.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi Merie,

I am not quite sure of what you are talking about when you say "separated pelvic." I am assuming that you are talking about a separation of the pubic symphysis where the two pubic bones of your pelvis come together. These two pubic bones are connected by a band of connective tissue which during pregnancy loosens up. Worst case scenario is that the two pubic bones actually separate..... I am not a physical therapist, nor am I a doctor. However, I will make some suggestions regarding your next pregnancy. I would definitely limit exercises that stretch your inner thigh muscles (adductors). Your inner thigh muscles insert on your pubic symphysis and putting a stretch on these muscles could aggravate the pubic symphysis. If you feel any discomfort with any exercise, you should not do the exercise. Hope this info helps. Keep us posted!

Sheila Watkins

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