Separated Abs



Hi Sheila,
I've got a question for you. My son will be 6 months old on September 13 and at my annual exam about a month ago, my mid-wife told me my abs are still separated! Any advice on how to get them back together and WILL they go back together? Also, I still have that dark line down my stomach. It's faint, but still there! Does it usually take this long for it to fade? Thanks in advance for your input!
<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-00 AT 05:08PM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Dee,

Yes, there is hope for your abs! First of all, what exercises are you doing for your abs? You should be eliminating all rotational oblique work as this encourages further separation. Also, are you turning around in the car to check on your baby? Unfortunately, that type of movement is also rotation and will encourage separation as well.

I would highly recommend that you purchase
"Essential Exercises For the Childbearing Year" by Elizabeth Noble. (Elizabeth Noble is the founder of the OB/Gyn section of the American Physical Therapy Associaion). Her entire book focuses primarily on the abdominals and pelvic floor during the childbearing year. It contains postpartum rehab exercises for the abs and pelvic floor that really work. It has been my "bible" since starting my program over 13 years ago.

As for the line..... it should fade in time. I cannot tell you exactly how long it will take to go away in your case. Everyone is different.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted.

Sheila Watkins
My experience

Hi! A year after I had my baby (via C-section) my abs were still at least two fingers separated, but they eventually did grow back together. I can't remember when, but it was between my son's first and second birthdays. I was doing abwork with the Firm from about 6 months on. They do eventually grow back together-- at least mine did, and I'm not as fit as most of the moms on this forum.

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