sending body blast dvd's


I was wondering if those of us that had problems with our Body Blast dvd's have got theirs in the mail yet?
I had the timesaver in my super set/push pull case and no SS/PP dvd at all.
I heard they were sending them in the mail, I haven't got mine yet, has anyone else? Thanks

Haven't gotten mine yet, either. I live in New England and some of our mail was delayed this week due to last weekends storm and Logan airport being closed. They might have sent them media mail, too and that takes long that priority or 1st class.

I just did L&G and have been playing with the premixes on the other DVD's and that's keeping me plenty busy!
Hi Michelle,

I haven't received my BB TimeSaver DVD yet, but I do have all the BB videos, when I discovered that 3 of them were damaged, I called SNM and within 48 hours I had the replacements with a return label for the damaged ones. So please don't fret, you'll get your replacement, Cathe and SNM are good on their promise of good customer service.

Take care,

I haven't got mine yet either.It shouldn't take this long.I work at the post office and this is a busy time but we also run extra trucks.
I'm one of those that also got a Timesaver DVD in my SS/PP case. I emailed customer service regarding it and they sent me an email on 12/8 stating that they would be sending me a SS/PP DVD and something for me to send them back the Timesaver DVD. I emailed them again on 12/11 to ask if they were sending it regular mail or UPS and to find out if it had shipped yet. They emailed back that same day to say it was being sent regular mail, but they did not say if it had been sent yet. I also haven't gotten mine yet and I'm getting a little impatient (although I'm too sick to work out right now anyway)! I was actually going to post the question today to see if any others in our predicament had gotten their SS/PP DVD yet.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that well get them this week. We should, don't you think?


edited to add that I just read one of the above messages stating that she got replacement DVDs within 48 hours of contacting customer service. Now I'm feeling very frustrated -- why didn't we get our replacement DVDs within 48 hours?:-(
I don't have mine either. I was REALLY hoping it would arrive no later than yesterday (Saturday). I know it will get here but I'm beginning to get impatient. Hopefully this week, right?

When they wrote me back they said they were finishing getting all of them sent out and that they should have them all shipped this weekend. Like you, I'm getting very frustrated too. I am doing the body blast rotation right now and didn't have ss/pp to do so I had to substitute with another workout.
I didn't hear anything about 48 hours, but I feel like I've been waiting long enough, what about you?

Why this weekend?I thought they would be sent out the next day(Tuesday) but that wasn't stated.There wasn't that many of us.I am starting to get really upset with this whole mix up.Sorry I sound angry but I just want my dvd.I love the other workouts and excited to have this one in my hot little hands. If anyone gets one post please so the rest of us can be on the lookout.I doubt it will be this week but I hope.:) :) That upsets me too that some get their dvd/videos in 48 hrs and our problem seems to be delayed even if it wasn't our whole order we should have the same priorty.But I am happy they haven't had to wait 9 days and counting for the problem to be fixed.End of my rant for now.x(
I just got mine!!!! They were sent out first class and the date on the postmark is Dec. 11. I live in New Hampshire, so that was 4 days ago. Some of you it might take longer, depending on where you live.

I'll preview later, but now I have to go do my second workout of the day. Snow shoveling!!! Woo-hoo!
great news! I hope I get mine today. I keep watching for the mail man and hoping it's there. I'm in Indiana so I don't know how long it would take for me. Thanks for letting us know.

I got my DVD in the mail yesterday. I hope everyone else gets theirs too! I'm glad I have the complete set now. As someone else said, I doubt I will ever pre-order again.

I agree completely that this is getting ridiculous. I've been trying so hard to be patient and not get frustrated. But, I consider getting the wrong DVD the same as getting a defective DVD and I think we all should have gotten replacement DVDs as quickly as those with defective ones. If there really were only a handful of people that this happened to, they could have/should have had these DVDs sent out much more quickly than this. I've already starting anticipating the disappointment each day when I check the mail and it's not there:(

I think I'll be emailing customer service again tomorrow if I don't get it in the mail by then.

I agree with you totally! I got my DVD in the mail the other day, I thought for sure the rest of you would've too. I would be writing to them again.
Keep me posted!

FINALLY GOT MINE.I wonder how they would feel if I wait the same amount of time to send ts to them as they did to send me the correct one.Betcha that wouldn't be acceptable.

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