Item #1541015718 Going to take the plunge into DVD land. "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
M MadnNatsmom Cathlete Jun 1, 2002 #1 Item #1541015718 Going to take the plunge into DVD land. "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
F fit@home Cathlete Jun 1, 2002 #3 Hi!! I took a look at your auction. This is just my opinion, but you may have better luck (and make more money) by selling each tape separately! I mean, who wants to buy a lot of 12 tapes if they already have 8 - 10 of them??? JMHO. Hollie
Hi!! I took a look at your auction. This is just my opinion, but you may have better luck (and make more money) by selling each tape separately! I mean, who wants to buy a lot of 12 tapes if they already have 8 - 10 of them??? JMHO. Hollie