seeking advice from body builders / physique competitors

L Sass

Hello all, and Happy New Year. I am looking for some input from those of you who like to lift heavy and who may have done figure/physique competitions. I love to lift heavy, and one of my goals this year (I'll be 50) is to reach a 200# squat. My PR for this stands at 175#. I have tweaky hip flexors, and my back chain of the body is my weakest link. My glutes and hams are pretty weak. I love in the 100 rep challenges, as Cathe explains the neuro pathway connections, that she also explains we are only as strong as our weakest link.

I really think if I strenthen my back chain that my squat is achievable. BUT - I also have to not overwork my legs, and keep them rested for a heavy leg lift once a week. So that's my long-winded way of asking, on the 100-rep challenge for the hip thrust, how frequently would you all advise doing it? Thanks for any input.

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